Review: Foursevens Preon PenLight Olight P20 O'Pen (2xAAA, XP-G2)

Huh? I thought they were made in China too, I know they have R&D here; I thought on the light’s boxes, it says made in China too.

HKE doesn’t have a recall, I think FT just lost that product line J)

I only just noticed the hanger tucked in the belt!!

Don’t worry, the store detective is right behind her.

Hmmm… hke hasnt shipped my light yet either and I ordered a few days ago.

I will say though, that this light has been very entertaining, even before ive laid hands on it. Lol

thanks for the incredibly thorough review and your thoughtful impressions of this light. Your evident mastery of English is impressive. Sé solamente un pocito de Español para una lengua secondaria.

..needless to say i like selfbuilt's work much much better. his review contains all info and aspects which i had listed only out of laziness (Pro's, Con's, ..) in written out format, clear eloquent phrase structures with long beautiful arcs embedded in the right context and with fluent admirable English. i was an incredibly slow writer, partly because there is nothing much to say apart from the obvious. the core message being, the product was exactly as imagined, a simple light, and flawless in production quality. the 180 Fenix lumens are correct, and i am only surprised by the short Hi-runtime on Eneloop and Alkaline. Will have to repeat the tests..

Going to take a chance on the O’pen from HKE, in transit now. I’ve decided to stop buying so many 1 x 18650 lights! At least with these pocketable lights I can mix up my EDC a bit and have them see some actual use. Currently use an SC52 and Ti Preon 2. I love the look and feel of the Ti Preon but the brown O’pen looks nice too and I’m really digging the improved efficiency on medium.

Just heard from Fasttech about the O’Pen stock - ” the manufacturer is not able to give the accurate date of stock”, so it might be some time before we see this little light.

Thanks, Woody. Maybe it is a good thing, better than getting a light and having to send it back because a fault developed.

Yeah, I’m going to hang in there - be nice to get it out of the blue. Trouble is, Fasttech’s communication is so good, that they will keep us well informed, so there certainly not be any surprises. :frowning:

What colour did you order? I think I will get black after all, because of the anodizing.

Don’t you mean “Tactical Black” ? :slight_smile:

I ordered when they only had the black, so quite pleased that it’s got the HAlll anodising.

If I am wearing a LBD (little black dress), does that make it a tactical dress??!! xD

Maybe LOL……I’d love to see a pic :wink:

Nooo!!! :weary: Aren’t you sick of me spamming?

was that really you?

slim figure, wow. :love: