Hi everyone, today I’m gonna have a look at a simple EC AA light: the Lumintop EDC15
This flashlight has been provided by FlashLightBrand.com for free in exchange of a review.
My point of view might be biased by the fact it was free but I’l try to be as honest as possible given the price of this light.
First of all, here is what’s inside of the box :
- Flashlight
- GITD soft diffuser
- Carabiner
- User manual
- Spare o-ring
The user manual is as simple as it gets, being a simple EDC light with no extra features :
I asked FlashLightBrand.com to provide me an USB-C rechargeable 14500 for this test, I can’t recommand it enough as it’s so practical when you don’t have a Li-ion charger with you.
The light will accept any AA battery (Alkaleaks or Ni-Mh) as well as 14500 Li-ion batteries. Keep in mind you nedd a button top battery though, because of the mecanical reverse protection :
It’s a simple twisty ligh with 4 modes (Low Med High Turbo) and Strobe if you cycle 2 times all the modes.
As a twisty it’s no the nicest light, as it requires both hands to operate it. The spring is too compressed whith a standard Ikea Ladda AA and so you have to twist it rather tight to light it ON.
The good side of this is that you can keep it tightened in your pocket so it won’t unscrew (common problem with twisties)
The thread are nicely cut, and well lubricated so the light is smooth to operate :
The little diffuser seems to be made of silicone and glows in the dark rather bright :
The optic is a beaded TIR, so the beam is really diffused. This kind of beam is useful for close proximity illumination, but lacks power when you want to see further.
That’s the biggest flaw IMHO, because it will not be practical even for a night walk.
The LED is an OSRAM GW PUSRA1.PM, the CCT is about 5000k to my eyes, no blue nor green just plain white.
I did a little experiment with my old Tool AA and was surpisingly pleased to see that threads are compatible so you can use the EDC15 head on the Tool AA body and vice versa ! This could give some ideas to the modders here
Finally, here is a pciture of both light side by side. As you can see the EDC15 is much more short than the Tool AA, becasue of the lack of mecanical button AND the use of the TIR optic instead of classic relfector.
I would have prefered a reflector TBH, as I think it generally produces a more useful beam than the majority of the TIR (except for Olight TIR).
I know the they are cheaper for manufacturer and have the advantage of being much more impact resistant than reflector with glass.
I want to thank FlashLightBrand.com once again for providing the flashlight, please feel free to visit their page.
You will find the Lumintop EDC15 on the https://www.flashlightbrand.com/lumintop-edc15-osram-led-760-lumens-edc-flashlight-p4299685.html page