Review: Maratac Cu all copper AAA

it is smaller than tank007 e06 (without extension tube) which is a very tiny light.
If you have sipik68 you will see it is very small in comparison.

+1 for Endtimesreport.
Very wellpacked and very fast delivery!

I do not have a light meter, but I can say it is constant brightness upto one hour with eneloop aaa.

JohnnyMac may also verify this.

I 100% don’t need it, but I still 100% ordered one.

Thank you so much

I ran one across my LED analyzer do-hickey (Any interest in a LED/Battery analyzer device?) and the output is very flat. There is a slight drop in light do to LED heating. Once the battery is depleted and the regulator runs out of steam, the temperature spikes up some and the light level starts falling off a cliff. I am repeating the run with a fresh, crappy Fry’s battery and I’ll post the plots later tonight.

Thanks for your observations fyesilova. I haven’t had mine long enough for anecdotal testing but I’m impressed (my first LED 1xAAA, not counting modded Solitaires). I’m glad these have decent electronics to back up the bling factor.
I await your test’s results, texaspyro.

Is there a reason everyone is using bold in this thread? :P Anyone else experiencing a glitch making everything bold?

YES! Thank you. I knew something was off but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I just pm'ed Mr. Admin about this. Hopefully he will figure it out. :) Every other word is bold in my sentence.

Here are the results of the test on the Maratac copper. The battery was a poor quality Fry’s AAA. The center line of the plot area are the ref<…> values. The CURSOR values were where the light left regulation. The RED, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE curves are the percentage of light in those bands vs the sum of the RED/GREEN/BLUE bands. Note that they get a bit wonky once the light level falls off. This is due to sensor noise at very dim levels. Battery voltage and current were not monitored since there was no easy way to run the light with an external battery.

The light ran 48 minutes before dropping out of regulation. The lumens dropped 10% over that time. Note the increase in temperature once the driver can no longer regulate the current and strains to keep the LED lit.

Thanks for running that test texas, your all-in-one analyzer is awesome.

Ok, I got mine today. It is pretty but mine already had some oxidation on it, man does copper oxidize crazy fast. The other thing is I bought because, well 1 because it’s dead sexy, but also the look to hook to a splitwire ring looked more solid than on my Illumanti Al, but in actuality it seems somewhat flimsy and like it will come off in use on my keychain :frowning: Overall the flashlight is gorgeous, the machining is great and the output is great, but not sure I want to put it on my keychain.

Something this gorgeous needs a neck lanyard. That’s where I keep mine. :wink:

I can’t STAND having things around my neck, I don’t wear my work ID on a lanyard because of it and I won’t wear this on my neck lol. Still debating how to beef up the eye.

I removed the clip and lanyard ring on mine. I did some grinding on the notch in the base to remove the sharp edge. I’ve been carrying it my pocket with my keys for over a month and over 200 miles. The finish is holding up a lot better than expected, with just a little mellowing of the yellow.

So you’re carrying it loose? I don’t want to do that either, lol. Would like to keep the ring on it so I can put a split ring and attach it to my keychain like my Illuminati.

Yep, she’s hangin’ out free and easy in the bottom of my pocket. I hate clips and lanyards… It’s too big for the keychain. Too much room is occupied by a freakin’ huge transponder car key. I do have an eGear pico on the key chain and a house key with a built in LED light.

Great review Johhny! Thanks very much. Frontpage’d and Sticky’d.

Mine was a v1 (lo-med-hi) and I really liked it. I was bummed when it went missing.

Right now I carry the polished stainless version 1 of this light (med-lo-hi). I liked the lo-med-hi ui better, and I imagine the lo-hi of this version would make me very happy.

Can’t justify it with the stainless AAA in my pocket right now.