Review: NANJG 105A 2800mA driver

For anybody who wants to know, the one i've ordered 3 weeks ago is delivered with a Attiny13A

Its more the fun of modding :).

I´m a software developer and so i just ordered the ATMEL stuff to modify the driver by myself.

Thanx for the advice.

I checked the thread and gave up soon. Is there a really simplified guide how to program these chips along with the stuff needed? I would love to program my Ak-47 drivers.

maybe in 2 weeks, when the stuff arrives :)

Still not all that easy. I wrote up a guide on the Flashlight Wiki based on the information in the thread which I think helps, but I haven't gotten a reliable clip to attach to the chip yet. I've been through 2 of them at $12 each and now have a third one on the way for $20. I did make some progress with my second clip and was able to upload a program to a chip. I'd like to modify the program, but that's no picnic either.

The NANJG 1.4A and 2.8A drivers set to 3 modes are so close to exactly what I want anyway, that I don't know how much utility there is in programming my own driver, but I'm still drawn in by the possibility of a Low that can be set to anything you want including barely lit. If I could get 2 modes, with the Low being able to be set fairly easily, that would be about perfect.

The downside is that you can't have it memorize a mode based on how long the light is turned off without adding hardware components to these NANJG drivers.

This is where the magic happens. That page is worth it's weight in gold. I was able to flash chips using only that page and so will every one else.

And as I stated in page 6 of the "how to build light with perfect modes"-topic, the clip is not necessarily needed. I got it - the cheapest one from ebay - but soon fuond it useless. Then I just soldered the corner wires straight to the chip (not nearly as hard as it might sound, check the picture from that thread) and connected the remaining two wires directly to the pins by hand. And asked wife to come hit the enter on the command prompt. It can be done without a wife also, but it's more difficult. All the soldering/unsoldering action is not that hard and time consuming as one might think. It's good if one needs to flash only couple of chips. As I have done it quite a few times now, I can unsolder the driver-pill connection, open the pill, solder the wires, flash the chip, unsolder the wires and solder the pill back together in less than 15 minutes. I have to admit I have destroyed 2 drivers when practising, but now I can do it with no problem. Cost of loss about 5 dollars.

I have had no success in editing the code, however. It's always 3 modes with memory no matter what I try to do to get 4 modes without memory. But well... I'm just clueless what comes to writing code. And still, 3 modes including crazy low and possibility to program the modes to your own liking makes it pretty close to perfect anyway.

There's actually a capacitor, resistor, and a diode.There's a picture in comment 177:

I just installed this driver, along with an XM-L U2(unfortunately, it didn't fit in my Romisen RC-D6 pocket rocket, so an Ultrafire C8 host had to do while I get another small RCR123A host :(), but I'm only getting high. You think I might have fried the microcontroller somehow? I've wired it up like this:

[edit: problem solved - wrong wire connection]

- is on the solder blop left to the second 7135.

Ouch, that mistake made me feel foolish. And because the driver was such a tight fit(even had to sand it down quite a bit), I can't remove it from the heatsink now. I think this light will have to remain a 1-mode until I get a hold of something thin and solid that can poke the driver out through the holes where the wire goes to the LED.

Thanks for clearing it up for me.

You might want to change your graphic or delete it so someone doesn't get the wrong idea. It's true that the negative connection is the pad on the upper left next to the 7135.

Nice call - It's gone now :).

I managed to pry the driver free from the host, and now everything works as it's supposed to. I have to get used to the memory mode, though.

Thanks, I was also in doubt for a while.

guys, I have lost the C1 on my 105C, probably got ripped away while modding lights:( does it affect something? do I need to replace it (if yes, with what capacity)?

It's just a buffer cap for suppressing noise on the MCU's voltage supply. These caps are usually in the 10nF - 100nF range. The driver will probably work without it, but you might see some random erratic behaviour.

Does anyone know the difference between NANJG 105A & NANJG 105C

It seems that 105A kept changing for a period.

The price difference is quite high, for 2 x 105C I can buy 3 x 105A , and I want to buy a 2-3 of these.

Is it possible to buy 105A and get the 105C ?

I don't think they make the 105A or 105B any more, I think it is 105C only now. I believe it is like a revision letter. I hope the 105D comes out soon I have been getting some bad 105Cs lately.

Now the links are working.

Then why the $2 in price difference? 105A appears available, check the first link.

What do you mean bad 105Cs, not working or, you have to clean the solder....?

Got some bad non working ones in my last order, mode issues.

Your links don't work.

Still not working ?

SKU: S009742 vs SKU: S004338