Olight OMNI-DOK 2-Cell Charger
*Olight OMNI-DOK provided for review by SkyBen.Trade on Amazon. Link
When SkyBen sent me a couple of Olight's for review, they also threw in a little surprise with the OMNI-DOK charger. The OMNI-DOK sells for $19.95 on SkyBen.Trade.
Not a full featured charger but it handles both Li-Ion and NiMH cells automatically. It takes all sizes from 16340 up to 18650 cells. NiMH cells charge at 500mA and Li-Ion charge at 1A. The charger has dual channels and each cell gets a full 1A (500mA for NiMH). It topped off both my test cells at exactly 4.19V and stops charging at that point. NiMH cells stop at 1.47V.
Charge indicators display in 25% increments. Once the cell(s) hit 100% only the full circle indicator lights up to let you know the cell is ready. Olight claims charging current drops as the cell nears full charge and will stop charging once charging current drops below 50mA.
It has built in protection in case you install the battery backwards and will alert with 3 flashes of the LEDs. It also alerts you if there is a short or unsupported cells are installed. If after 8 hours the cell(s) are still not charged the OMNI-DOK will turn off automatically for safety.
Not a whole lot to say about this little charger except that it works well and doesn't look bad sitting on the desk for a quick, easy charge when you need one. Even the wife doesn't mind it sitting out when not being used.
Drawbacks? A couple I suppose. The power supply doesn't use USB so the pin type plug limits it pretty much to desktop use. If it accepted a USB input you could use it in your car when traveling via a 12V USB supply but that's nit-picking. The other drawback is when charging smaller cells like 16340 or 14500 cells when 500mA might be a better choice for charging current.
Overall it's a great looking little charger that works well and is built well, too. Great for a spare charger when you don't need all the bells and whistles. I'm glad I have it because a good extra charger is always needed.
^ Packaging is typical of Olight products and is very nice.
^ The back of the box has all the important specs listed.
^ Inside the box are the OMNI-DOK, power supply, and instruction pamphlet.
^ The instruction pamphlet
^ Nice looking little charger. Reminds me of a high-tech hockey puck.
^ Spring loaded terminals accommodate the usual range of cell sizes except for 26650 or larger.
^ Bottom of the charger. Nice thing is it doesn't get hot like my other chargers that have built in power supplies.
^ A look at the 12V 1A power supply. When plugged in the indictor LED on the charger glows red.
^ A look at the charging indicators at various points of charge. The pic on the right shows the left cell at 75% charge and the cell on the right fully charged.
The Olight OMNI-DOK is a great little charger for under $20 USD.