Review: Sofirn SC21 Pro w LH351D 5000K

Got my Sc21 Pro today and immediately got a question.

How do I know it is fully charged? Yes, there is the indicator turning green, but if I stop charging it right when it turned gren and use the lamp for a couple if seconds, the green indicator is red again. I guess the charging process was exactly switching from red to green, but was not fully charged. I don´t want to measure how ful the battery is, I want the lamp to tell me ^^.

So, is there a way to find out? Will the lamp give me a call or something or do I simply let it charge longer and guess? (It won´t overcharge, right?)

Thanks : )


The battery check command is 3C from off.

Here are instructions to know if your light has Anduril 1 or Anduril 2.

Once you know the version, read the appropriate manual to get more details. Here are links to the manuals:
Anduril 1
Anduril 2
You can search the manual for keywords “Battery Check” (it occurs in more than one place… check to see each occurence until you find the complete info)

I don´t really uinderstand the battery check : (
Also, is it normal that the siwth is always lit green? Even when off?

Edit: okay, managed to turn off the switch by ten clicks from off, holdinmg then tenth click, then cycling thoruihg swith modes with 7 clicks.

Wow, really gotta study the Anduril stuff and try not to forget it.

congratulations! :wink:
I like to leave the switch button light ON low. It helps me find the light in the dark. The button light gives fast-blinks when voltage is below 3V. It is good to recharge any time battery voltage goes below 3.6V.

After reading the parts of the manual that interest us, this chart can be useful to remind us which commands to use for different settings:

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