Review: Solarforce L2i

Supply and demand = When there is no demand the price goes down , when demand increases , price goes up ...

So I guess some one is creating demand ,,,,,,,,,, I wonder who that is ?

I'm afraid Solarforce does not see it that way.


So I just paid an extra buck for a black L2i because of Foy?

Yeah, well Lang, you cost me some money the other day with the whole laser thing. (so damn excited for that to arrive) Then you made me involuntarily snort/laugh outloud late last night with your newly modded laser. When I saw this around midnight I realized the pen (and the camera) can be very dangerous.


Call it even

Anybody know what the shipping charges for the solarforce store is like? I can't find it listed on their site.

mmmm... discount p60 hosts...

In the US, I think they have charged me a flat $2 for every order.

Damn if someone didnt have to say discount L2 hosts. Made me look. Solarforce-sales charges $2 shipping. I have never ordered more than one body at a time but I have ordered multiple items in the same order and it was $2.

..I need more cow bell

It seems to be a flat $2 per order to anywhere...

Even shipped to Poland (3 hosts 1 drop-in) it's still 2$. Way cheaper the polish post's domestic shipping.

The $2 is just the registered mail fee from HK Post (which is 12 HKD), the actual shipping is a much more.

Is the silver L2i gone for good? Nobody has it and it just looks so nice in pictures that I'd LOVE to have one.

They've been out for a while. Don't know if it's coming back - my guess is it will. I've got a couple of black ones that I think look pretty good.


No, it's gone forever. They confirmed this.

They confirmed it? Is that on their site or . . . where did you read that? (if you don't mind me asking)


I emailed them. I also asked them what the current draw is on the low voltage xpg w/ 2aa's and they replied with 0.8-4.2V, so I guess it's possible they gave another random answer for the other question. :)

Yeah, srsly, they said it was permanently OOS.

Good enough.

You got it straight from Solarfoce so, it's probably true. I don't quite understand why they would discontinue the silver version; it was the best looking one in my opinion. Maybe they had it priced too low - always seemed like a steal to me.


I had asked them a few weeks ago if they were going to stock the silver ones again and they said yes. but its been a while and it seems that theyre concentrating on new lines so maybe its on hold. ill send them another email to confirm.

I like this idea.

No need to get a several dollar smooth SS bezel ring, just sand down the old one!

Excellent, suits BLF ideology like a glove.