If I could safely take the driver out I’d do it myself but they epoxy the damned thing in place. If I could figure out how to open the switch without destroying it I might be able to pop out the driver from behind like I did on my Warrior (also epoxied into the head). The SP03 is a great light for the money but if it were easily modded it would have gone from great to superb!
On the TN31 which you used for comparison… I understand you relied on Thrunite for their number BUT… on their website, along with that 75kcd number, they also claim it throws 700m which would be 122,500cd. I’ve written to them about this but never got a reply.
So which is right? I have one of the original stock TN31s and right after the 30s mark it always spits out at least 110kcd, so don’t think 75kcd is an ANSI number while 700m is not. Which is also pretty consistent with others’ experiences here, so don’t think my light is out of the ordinary either.