Edit 2/2/17: beamshots added.
Thorfire asked me to review their upgraded ‘S’ version of the VG15 single 18650 flashlight and sent me the light free of charge.
Non affiliate link to flashlight.
The original VG15 has been reviewed several times on BLF. I have the original which is the light from pilotdog’s review below. I won it in a giveway and will pay it forward by giving the ‘S’ version away in a different thread. I will be going over the upgrades or differences between the original and ‘S’ version. See these reviews if you want more info on the VG15.
pilotdog68 review: GIVEAWAY and tiny review of Thorfire VG-15
unknown00101 review: Review: Thorfire VG15 (XM-L2, 1x 18650 battery or 2x CR123A)
itsonlyme review: Thorfire VG15 Xm L2 tube light review
I’m not trying to be lazy, it’s just that…maybe the picture will explain.
I looked all over and couldn’t find one single difference cosmetically except for the ‘S’ which looks like it does not belong.
I pulled out both instruction manuals and found what makes this the ‘S’.
Original VG15
New VG15S
An extra turbo mode with increased lumens!
Here are my tests with a Samsung 30Q. Note, the VG15 does not have the original XML2 as I have replaced it with an XPL.
Firefly 0.00A
Low 0.37A
Mid 1.21A
High 3.07A
Firefly 0.00A
Low 0.02A
Mid 0.27A
High 1.28A
Turbo 3.53A
The original had an XM-L2, but I recall it was a little too cool for my liking which is why I replaced it with the XPL in NW. The VG15S does have a nice NW XM-L2, so if I were to keep this flashlight I would keep the stock emitter. AR coated lens is very nice as well.
It seems all the differences are on the inside as the buck driver has been replaced.
The mode spacing is very nice and this is a true firefly mode. There is a slight delay between mode changes which I’ll get to.
There is a 3 minute timer on Turbo which drops it down to the previous level. And this is a good thing because this light gets very hot on Turbo. With the increase in power I figured Thorfire had maybe upgraded the mcpcb, but I was surprised to see it was aluminum. To their credit, it was firmly stuck to the shelf with thermal paste. And not that dry junk I seem to find on some lights. This was a good helping of ‘healthy’ looking paste. Also, with as hot as the light gets, I see no issues with heat transfer.
Back to changing modes. There is a very slight delay when changing modes. Not too big a deal, but the switch in the ‘S’ version is extremely mushy if that makes sense. Combine that mushiness with the delay and changing modes can be a challenge until you get used to it. The switch is so overly mushy and sensitive I found myself often switching the light off when attempting to switch modes. The original VG15 comes with an Omten switch. The ‘S’ switch looks almost identical, but it does not say ‘Omten’ on it. All of my Omten switches have the name stamped on them, so I am not sure if this is an Omten or a different brand. The rubber boot on the ‘S’ is also the softest boot I have ever felt. It is too soft for this switch. I did swap the boot with a stiffer one and the mode switching is MUCH better.
The Thorfire buck driver has always been nice in that it was typically easily modded with a resistor and it allowed for the option of CR123A cells.
Manual from original.
Thorfire must have caught CR123As shoplifting, because they are now banned!
Couple of beamshots at different exposures.
Kudos to Thorfire for really taking the VG15 to the thermal edge and keeping a nice range of modes. As with the previous model, the SOS mode is still there, but only available with a quick double tap which is the way I like it. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am not aware of any other 18650 EDC with a Turbo on this level. Yes, there are BLF inspired lights with custom FET drivers. This is a light I think I could recommend to someone who wants a usable ‘modded’ light without going to extremes or having to actually mod it. It’s already there.
My VG15 with the XPL is the most used light in my home. Not by me, though. I keep a protected Panasonic in it at all times and have instructed family members that if they need to get into my flashlight cupboard, then they are to use the VG15. I am able to fit a protected cell in the ‘S’, but it seems much tighter. I believe this is due to a stiffer spring.
Thorfire, if you are listening, nice work on this light. Perhaps I received a preproduction model, but if I were to give any suggestions it would be to change the switch and boot as I found them way too soft.