Since I found no talk about this light from the interwebs when I was considering buying it, I thought I’d share some of my thoughts and info about it now that I have it.
Price was 18 € from AliExpress with the included 14500 battery and shipping+taxes.
General specs and pretty pictures can be found from their site at TrustFire L2 EDC Flashlight 1000 Lumens – TrustFire®
Here it is with some other 1xAA lights for size comparison:
They are from left to right: Lumintop EDC15, Nitecore D10, Solarforce Z2, Trustfire L2, Ultrafire C3, Nitecore NDI
The reason why I got interested in this light was the UI and output. It has a momentary switch, and when the head is tightened it comes on at high output every time.
When the head is loosened there are two modes to choose from with the switch: low → high.
You can not switch modes by twisting the head while the light is on tho.
Operation instructions from manual:
When the head has been tightened, I do notice a very fast mode ramp up from low–>high when turning the light on for the first time. So it is not perfectly instant high right after tightening the head, but it is pretty fast so I do not see it as an issue… and on next turn on it seems to be instantly on high.
Head of the light has three springs and three contact pads to detect if the head is fully tightened or not. Tailcap has little different retention ring from what I’ve gotten used to in lights like this.
The body tube can be installed other way around too, but then you can not fully tighten the head and you lose the high-only function.
I tested the capacity of the included TrustFire 14500 battery, and it seems to get pretty close to the advertised 900 mAh:
Beam is pretty nice and wide. There might be some “rings” noticeable when pointing at white wall, but I did not notice any green or other annoying color shifts in the beam.
The 1000 lumen max output claim seem to be quite realistic. I compared it to a 900 lumen Fenix PD32 tactical with ceiling-bounce test, and the TrustFire L2 did produce more lux to the room.
With NiMH/Alkaline, the output levels are lower:
Only issue I’ve had with it so far is that the O-ring in the tailcap has started to jump out of it’s groove when tightening the tailcap. But that should be fixable by lubricating or switching the O-ring.
Overall I’m quite happy with this light so far.
If you are looking for a 1xAA light with momentary switch, wide beam, big output, and if two output levels are enough, then this might be worth considering.