[Review] Wurkkos TS26S – 4x Nichia 519A and boost driver!

I added a small chamfer to the grooves on the head. Doesn’t look that bad with the silver border IMHO.

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Looks nice!

Oooh I like that. Nice bit of contrast along with being a bit less sharp edged and I like the orange spacer you’ve used. Am I the only one who hates the spiky logo on the button? Bothers me more than it should it’s only a button but grrrrr my ocd. Probably still be tempted when the Anduril version releases and I’d just colour the bloody thing in.

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i did that on my IF25 too, I’ve already said it several times but Sofirn and Wurkkos need to chamfer their flashlight’s edges, they’re too sharp.

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Nope! I’m not a fan either.

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Thank the lord. I was thinking it was just me. Wonder if it’s swappable with one from an SC31, FC11/13 or similar. No biggie I know, just looks a bit wonkyfied.

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I highly doubt it, but the Sofirn SC18 and Wurkkos WK03 buttons look very similar.

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Just had a Google of them and yeah they do look near enough spot on. Probably being a bit picky as tis but a button (can you tell I’ve just watched Monty Python) but it’s sometimes the lil things.

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Honestly, when first seeing the “spike” thought it was a pull off tab for a protection clear cover.
If only it were that easy.

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At least the WK03 button is a lot smaller and won’t fit.

TS26S: 11.0mm (screwed bezel)
WK03: 8.5mm (press-fit)

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Oooh. Near enough the same dimensions as the Sc31 pro. Button 11mm outer bezel diameter 15mm. How did you chamfer it? Dremel? That’s one steady job.

Thanks! :heart_eyes:
Instead of setting up the rotary table and centering the grooves in my imaginary milling machine, I simply took a cutting tool (basically a sharpened tool steel like you use in a lathe) and did it by hand. :crazy_face: It’s relatively easy to cut a small chamfer in aluminum by hand consistently.

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Yeah you say that but if I tried it I’d end up missing two fingers, half a thumb and going into shock. Plus if it did turn out nice I’d end up thinking oooh let’s do the twizzles next then I’d puncture the battery and blow myself up. Damn you and your steady hands.

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I’m betting its just a screen print or etching/masking in the black paint/button coating.

It’ll wear off in a few months of use, I’m sure. Can’t remember which model but I have one that has the center dot ilumination in the same style button, the outer black ring of paint/coating wore off in a few months of use.

bet it’d come off with a little elbow grease and sandpaper, maybe even a scotch brite pad…

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I recieved one this week and tried to take off the clip but had no succes. So I asked for help and the answer came today that the clip was glued with the second production batch. That is not clever from Wurkkos to have done that for now I need to brake off this clip. I mostly use it indoors. I like the color.

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Wow, that’s a bummer. A clip that can’t be removed? Urgh. But I guess there’s enough grip to unscrew the head with some force.

Yes, the head is easy to remove but then what?

Here a part of the answer of the manager: “When our testers got the samples to test, the clip could be easily removed, but it was difficult to tighten the threads because it would lift up. So when the first batch of TS26S was produced, the engineers chose to apply glue here, which caused the clip to no longer be removed.” What to think of that?

I purchased one from the wurkkos site, The one that I received was one of those with the glued head. also the tint was awful, Cat urine green.
I ended up purchasing a Hank light for a few more $$. Better quality emitters and light in general…