I did it once to make them easily recognizable - was using 2 18650 in series and all the batteries were Sony VTC6. Matched them in pairs by their capacity (don’t have tools to measure internal resistance) and put same wraps on pairs - one was Hulk and the other US dollars, also had SpongeBob and Wolverine wraps
Also I use wraps when I buy batteries from battery packs that didn’t make it through QC - sometimes they have wraps damaged. I always take the off the wrap first, then put new one on.
I saw those on Amazon but I went with the muti color ones.
I have 30 18650 batteries of different mAh’s and I want to make it easier to recognize them. I have a really nice label maker with different color labels.
For example, I’m going to put a blue wrap with white on blue label on my 18650 2600mAh.
I wish I could find some precut wraps for my 21700 & 18350 batteries. Any suggestions?
@INeedMoreLumens I just ordered some from liion batteries but thanks. I’m still trying to find some precut 18350 wraps. Or I can go the cut my own route. Does anyone know the diameter of a 18350 battery? I can’t find my caliper.
I meant to ask what diameter of shrink wrap do I need for 18350 battery. I think I can use the wrap that I got for my 18650 batteries. They just need to be cut down to size.
I put a small paper label with the date of purchase, manufacturer/model , tested mAh, and max C - under a short clear length of sleeve.
That way I can still see the original wrap and know all the other stuff at a glance.
All the Best,
The only problem I’ve run into is some lights have a really tight body fit. That’s why I went with thin paper from a laser printer instead of a label from a label maker.
Might take a little shaking to get it out of the light.
All the Best,