Rewraping batteries

Does anyone rewrap your batteries after you get them. And if you do, do you take the old wrap off or put the new one over the old one.

I love to organize things and make them all match. I may have a sickness lol. I want to make them easier to recognize in my battery holder.

I did it once to make them easily recognizable - was using 2 18650 in series and all the batteries were Sony VTC6. Matched them in pairs by their capacity (don’t have tools to measure internal resistance) and put same wraps on pairs - one was Hulk and the other US dollars, also had SpongeBob and Wolverine wraps :smiley:

Also I use wraps when I buy batteries from battery packs that didn’t make it through QC - sometimes they have wraps damaged. I always take the off the wrap first, then put new one on.

I saw those on Amazon but I went with the muti color ones.

I have 30 18650 batteries of different mAh’s and I want to make it easier to recognize them. I have a really nice label maker with different color labels.

For example, I’m going to put a blue wrap with white on blue label on my 18650 2600mAh.

I wish I could find some precut wraps for my 21700 & 18350 batteries. Any suggestions?

You could put the label underneath a transparent wrap, maybe it would last longer. The downside is that you wouldn’t have colourful cells.

Double wraps might make cells too fat to fit into some lights.

1 Thank

@INeedMoreLumens I just ordered some from liion batteries but thanks. I’m still trying to find some precut 18350 wraps. Or I can go the cut my own route. Does anyone know the diameter of a 18350 battery? I can’t find my caliper.

I plan on removing the old wrap. My labels are laminated and they stick around pretty well.

I have some clear but that won’t look cool lol.

18 = 18mm
35 = 35mm
0 = Round

1 Thank

I meant to ask what diameter of shrink wrap do I need for 18350 battery. I think I can use the wrap that I got for my 18650 batteries. They just need to be cut down to size.

Yeah the 18650 has the same dimensions as the 18350 but it’s 30mm longer.

I did a lot of shopping and I already had what I needed.

1 Thank

I put a small paper label with the date of purchase, manufacturer/model , tested mAh, and max C - under a short clear length of sleeve.
That way I can still see the original wrap and know all the other stuff at a glance.
All the Best,

1 Thank

Well I had already decided how I was going to do it but now you gave me another idea, thanks a lot lol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here’s my first rewrap. Wasn’t that hard. I went with removing the old wrap and putting a new one on.

The only problem I’ve run into is some lights have a really tight body fit. That’s why I went with thin paper from a laser printer instead of a label from a label maker.
Might take a little shaking to get it out of the light.
All the Best,

I didn’t think about that. I will have to test it out and see before I move on. Thank you