Hey All, I have the latest version of the Jetbeam RRT-01 Raptor and was wondering if there is some way to replace the tail switch. Ideally I'd like a simple flat tailcap that completes the circuit so the only control is the magnetic ring. Sorry if my search skills sucks.
The RRT-01 fits standard switch boards. The silver portion at the back of the light with the lanyard strap slots is actually the retaining ring that holds in the tailcap guts. Unscrew it to access the tailcap board.
I replaced the switch board and boot on mine with a lighted switchboard and clear tailcap. I like lighted tailcaps on EDC lights.
It would be a simple matter to bypass the switch once the guts are out.
Thanks Firelight2. I've always wanted a to do a lighted tailcap mod and this would be a good light to it on - it can replace the tritium. Couple questions if you don't mind:
Where did you pick up the lighted tailcap and clear boot?
How is the drain? I have the impression we are talking a year + with a 16340.
This might be a very stupid question, so please bear with me: In a light like the RRT, the only thing the switch does is open and close the circuit right?
If so, could I replace the tail assembly with any reasonably conductive metal that has the right machining/dimensions i.e. pitch, outer diameter, etc? I assume I would still need to get a spring involved.