Run Fast to Your Home Depot

Just kidding, but I bought one of these — Only 9 Bucks and I had a 10% discount:

I had a 12v 2A LED Switching Power Supply lying around, and plugged it it — works, battery in or battery out. The LED is a XP-G, but throws like a champ … oh, comes with a 12 volt car/truck adapter … Go get it!

You def need a moped … :smiley:


If you start running now you can be there by the time they open!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine is a little closer but not much. I go there about once every two years or so.

About the light…

Is it Brinkmann or Defiant?

Or is Finkle also Einhorn?

Any sort of metal heatsinking behind the led?

Hey, I have an idea — pay for it online, then when you are in town, this summer, you can pick it up … :wink:

Where did you get 10% off btw?

Just go to the front desk and show them the gunshot wound over your eyebrow, and bang, you’re in … No offense, intended to Vets, Yep, I am a DV, just go to the Customer Service desk, show ID or Veteran’s Medical Card, and they will put you in the system. Share the info, saves 10% on everything, just have to put in your phone number everytime, and show Military ID … :bigsmile:

huh !

Looks like a great deal though.

If you start swimming you can make it there in time for the Christmas sales!

for $9… can’t go wrong with that… I wonder if I could put my Fresnel lens in the front for more throw? :smiley:
what’s the size of the head?

It is so hot down there, you might be cooled off by the time you and your bike get out of the water … hey, look out for the Sharks, kind of ornery over the heat and all … J)

:smiley: :smiley:

Looks like Im off to HD again tomorrow. Thanks for posting.

Might go to the Eagle Store first, at the back of an aisle, and under a box of 4aa Spotlights. Think aisle 10, 9. thereabouts … I also bought the 650 Lumen 1000015067 Defiant 3D —19 bucks, but it has an xm-l2 ? prob U2 1A … nope, warmer, checked it …

I tried to swipe Suncoaster’s avitar off my computer screen

Looks like you need a kayak. J)

Drove through 6 inches of snow today to a HD that I knew had them in stock and got one.
Glad I did, very nice Spotlight for $9 and it came with batteries!
Definitely a thrower and the red leds are nice for reading maps etc.
Modes are High-Low-Red. Resets to high after a few seconds of being off.
Will probably go get a few more for gifts for my hunting buddies.
Thanks for the heads up Flomotion!


Looks like my local HD has 11 in stock… for $4.

Going there NOW!

Gonna grab like 2-3 of them for sure.