I see 20mm blank 35 triples on mtn electronics and 20mm triple tir’s. I’d like to do one with 519a 4500k dd. They sell premade osram w1 and w2 boards. This seems like a good idea with a 21700 and copper pill.
What are some good driver options for such a light?
I’ve made several S21A quads but I’ve never made a S21A triple.
For my quads I used @kiriba-ru S21A Copper Spacers.
The S21A Lens is something like 23.1mm
The Carclo Triple 105xx are 20mm so they might move around on you.
The Carclo Quad 106xx are 24mm so you just need to sand a little off the sides to get it to fit inside the S21A.
The S21A uses a 20mm driver which can limit your options.
Convoy sells a 20mm to 17mm adapter so you can use a 17mm driver which may open up several options for you.
Yes, the Carclo 106xx Quad optics will fit every 20mm quad 3535 MCPCB that I’m aware of.
I’ve used the MTN-20DDm(I like guppy3drv) and I’ve also done several sense resistor mods on the Convoy 6A 20mm driver, to increase the amperage.
On the Convoy drivers, I don’t recommend going higher than double(in this case 12A) because the thermal step down isn’t aggressive enough.
The S2+ is 20mm internally and has a shallow ~12mm reflector. I’ve got a 20mm triple with TIR that I’m thinking of putting into one.
The pill would need modding as it takes a 16mm LED board standard. The driver is 17mm, in my case I’m looking at the Convoy 17mm 8A buck driver (I’ve got triple XPL HI leds in parallel.)
With the screw in pill, there should be a bit of leeway with any spacer dimensions.