The Coast HL8 is in sale $49.99Cad at http://www.ihlcanada.com/20413.html (link is external)
The Coast HL8 is in sale $49.99Cad at http://www.ihlcanada.com/20413.html (link is external)
Umm, flagged as Rude! for asking a question? Seeing that it’s my first Rude! point ever, I don’t know how I feel. It just seems a bit strange, I guess. I really thought my first one would be more dramatic. It’s almost embarrassing. Hmm…
Oh well, join the club.
BTW, since you mentioned it… your post was kinda rude. But hey, it will be gone in 24 hours.
You’ll be back to :innocent: status in no time. :+1: …