Samsung 18650-26FM vs 18650-26F

As the topic above, what is the main difference between these 2 batteries?

i manage to find some info for the 18650-26FM

looks like the discharging rate are maxed at 5.2A. which is much higher than the F ones? any idea?

i have ordered 2 from a chinese seller. sending by fedex which is expected to arrive around 1 week.
any suggestions on how to test it?
equipments available:
Oscilloscope, Multimeters, Chargers (maybe dischargers),

Edit: a photo from the seller. this is the exact one being delivered.

no responces?


oh really… ok thanks

These talk about Sanyo F/FM:

You have “F” group. In these group you have FM (2600mAh), FK (2400mAh), FJ (2200mAh),…
2600mAh “F”=FM

What? No FU? J)

J) J) J)

I have some 26R's from a laptop pull.

I'm not too picky at $1.50 per cell .....I think they rock