$13.60 for a pair! Sounds like a really great price on great cells. Check it out:
Good deal as long as they’re 3 ah
What's the max charge voltage on these? Is it 4.2v? Or are these 4.3v/4.35v cells?
apparently 4.35
Are these the real Samsung?
Good job again fasttech!
I have 2600 mAh and 2800 mAh of these Samsungs and they are amazing. I will order soon. :party:
I would bet on it. Haven’t seen or heard of one counterfeit item from Fastech yet.
I’ve not owned any Samsung cells yet but the next time I need a few 18650 cells I’ll probably get these to try out. Hope I wouldn’t need a different charger if they are 4.3v but I might.
Well.. putting a regular PCB on a 4.35V gives you some advantages and some disadvantages..
advantage: cell life is expanded because it can only be charged to about 80%
-due to the lower charging voltage you get less capacity. So you are in the neighborhood of the good old Sanyo cell
-while the PCBs trip a little too low on regular cells (2.4V whereas the manufacturer states 2.75V) the PCB on these will trip way too late, overdischarging them 0.6V under their recommended min. voltage will reduce capacity
Summary: 4.35V cells are good for people who like unprotected cells, own a 4.35V charger and have flashlights with reliable low voltage cut-off/step-down at 3V or above.
Charging Voltage
4.35 ±0.05 V
Also, you can use this cell safely with cheap unsafe li-ion chargers that go over 4.2 Volt lol
fast tech is really becoming a good dealer in my mind… based on reviews members have posted here and my own experience with them.
they seem to have some of the best prices available (with 5% coupon code) of ANYONE i can find who sells panasonics & sanyos… i swore i wouldnt buy anymore 18650s until 4ah cells were released, but dang it… they have great prices!
I have 4 of the 2800 Samsung from Lights Castle and I like them!
Great company and great price, but I went with these.
Nice! Just more awesomeness from FastTech! 8)
What is the difference in the ICR18650-30B and the NCR18650B ?
Ok i just ordered 4 of them to try. Question: the Samsung web site lists these cells as having a higher voltage and charge voltage (4.35V as opposed to 4.2V) -
how are you guys doing this ?
Easy: the cell can be charged to 4.35V but I'm pretty sure the PCB will cut off at max. 4.25V. Thats pretty much what I said in post #8. Charging it at 4.35V wont get you anywhere and you will get only 80% capacity out of it.. so about 2500-2600mAh.
Thanks, I don’t know how i missed that. Would have ordered different cells if i had.
cool, just cancelled and ordered the Panasonic 3400’s, thanks for the quick response NightCrawl