Finally, FastTech got the Samsung INR 20R's I requested back in early June, and at a good price. Now if they only had the legit KK ICR's and SONY 26650 3700 2600 mAh, we'd be set!
Oh! Also if they'd get KeepPower 3400's protected, and the KeepPower 26650 protected (which looks like a KK with their superior protection circuitry)...
I am more excited about the Lg D1 4.35v cells they have. Less voltage for the first half amp hour, but more after that. And much more capacity. Good for a high amp edc light.
Wait... Thise pretty pink ones? Please give specifics - did I miss these cells being posted/discussed? Are they better than Pana PD's (lower resistance) at the same capacity? Can you charge then to 4.2v and still better? How do you charge then to 4.35v?
Oh I see - in HKJ's battery tests and comparator, the LG has higher internal resitance than the Samsung, but if you compare the 2 here:, in the discharge curve for 5A, the Samsung is better until 3.7v, then after that, the LG is better. But at 3A, the LG does really well!! Hhmm, gotta try these, just don't know about the charging to 4.35v - would have to get a charger capable of that.
I'm thinking of those pretty pink LG's for the Shocker too... Hhhmmmm. It looks like in the 3.5-5A+ range, the LG's will have an advantage over time, but maybe a little lower in the first minute or two. But the extra runtime for the ~2850 mAh as tested, that's real nice to have. Of course it's all a little risky with unprotected cells in series.
meh. I just make sure not to over use unprotected batteries in series. Keep em charged. They also take a lot less time to charge if I keep them topped off. I hate charging a battery that is at 3.0volts :~
How do these compare to the Panasonic PDs in any sane single-cell light (i.e. Nanjg 105c @ ~4A)?
Or more specifically, how many amps do you need to be drawing before you see a gain with the low resistance cells? I know that they allow for much higher peak draw (10-20 amps) but does the low resistance also come into play at 3, 4, or 5 amps?
Yes - better than Pana PD's for high amp XM-L2/XP-G2 on copper lights and 4A is pretty high. Don't have #'s with me, but don't think you will get 4A on Pana PD's, where you will with Samsung 20R, 20Q, or SONY 30A's. How long you maintain it is another issue - thinking these LG D1's may be better for that.
Oh that's good - Garry got INR's instead then they gave him a hard time about it. I've been getting slightly better results with the 4200's from CNQ/FFL, but they are close, and HKJ has said the KK's vary a bit from cell to cell.
Awesome to see these available through Fasttech! That’s a really good price and definitely significantly cheaper than what I paid for the ones I should be getting today:
_2013/09/03 05:14 CALGARY Item processed at local delivery facility
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2013/08/23 14:32 SGSINJ, Singapore International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada_
Tom, I totally agree with your suggestions as well for additional batteries. I would love to see the whole line of Keeppower’s available but I am really interested in the 26650’s.
I also would love to see one of these companies take a cell like the 20R’s or 20Q’s and make a protected cell out of them but with a really high kick in point so you could actually use them properly and still have the protection.
Yep, and the KK 4200 from CNQG is taking FOREVER to get here! (SG Post) My replacement KK ICR's from FastTech (RMA'd) have already shipped and will likely get to me before the CNQG order will!