Saturday Night Lights

Happy wife is a good week…

What pipe you use?
Wanna try pex but lost on a tool to get.

some window film arrived today for the bathroom window fiasco…
Nice stuff

I was gonna go with pex, but scared for some reason. I have used cpvc for so long.
And it was just a bathroom remodel, not the whole house. If I was gonna go for the whole house I would give pex a shot.

Coworker just built new house and sprung for a manifold, he can turn any or every water line off from one location. I like the thought of that.

Oh, man I can’t eat hot stuff before bed. Heartburn. That and I don’t know when to stop.

Is that the window that had the spray foam around it?

I ran pex when finishing out our last basement. And I had the builders use it for the house that we’re in now. Great stuff, so easy to work with! Less fittings, much lower chance of bursting.

That film looks great :+1: I put up something similar in the window in our master bath.

Hey gchart. My dad has used it in his RV. It must be good stuff the world is going to it.

VW. What are you eating? It looks like something I want to try. Minus a little heat.

My hot water heater is too far away from kitchen sink and 3/4in copper feed to this side of house… takes too long to get hot water out of a water saving delta faucet. I think it just mixes the whole way, wasting water and energy.
I want to run a dedicated 1/2in PEX to the kitchen sink. I think the plastic pex will hold the heat better between rinses and less volume will get hot a lot faster. Cheeper on the water and electric bill.

My wife and kids, take showers so hot I burn my feet if I get in right after them.

I been fighting a sweating toilet.

Yup :smiley:

made by Artscape. Was $10 (on sale from their website) a sheet, window took 2 sheets.

Wow. Great before and after shots.

gchart are you having wine tonight?

Got my wife some but she has a cold.

No heat in that bath. Main reason for insulating the window. But it really aint that cold in there, made a difference. Exhaust fan has a heater. Basement is relatively warm because of all the copper heating pipes, so that helps too.

So that toilet don’t sweat.

Our bathroom is tiny. No heat either. Have not got to it after I redid the floor.
Been using a Handy Heater copy from Aldi’s works great.

Tried to match the pattern between panes.

Did you use the Stainless clamps or the all round copper? And may I ask what tool you bought?
I would like to try the SS clamps.

I kinda lied… there is heat besides the exhaust fan heater. Hydronic, fan assisted, kick space heater under the vanity. Gotta keep the fan SW on and it will only switch fan on at certain temp… it knows if the hot boiler water is flowing. Dont use it though, fan is noisy, don’t wanna burn it out and it really don’t do much because of the long cycles between boiler firing up.

Oh, the dinner was some Chili that was made a while back and frozen. Over white rice and some HOT salsa on top. There was some sweats eating it. The heat already moved to the Other End :open_mouth:

LOL. I forgive you. Our bathroom only has about 6 feet of outside wall. Its not hard to heat. I just haven’t got around to cutting the hole in the floor.

I want your recipe for you late supper.

Dad got us an air fryer for Xmas. I love it. Once we took the cardboard out of the bottom the food taste great……

My chili is never the same.
Kinda use what I got as far as tomatoes products. But lotsa diced always. Green pepper and an onion. Keep it mild for the rest of the house, so I put some salsa in my dish for some kick.

Over rice makes it go twice as far.

Looks really good. I spent a good part of my life eating out of cans. My wife enjoys trying new recipes.

Now I am hungry

Recently put some Wally World solar street light up outside the garage. They ain’t liking winter. Just added a power jack to plug in a cheapie USB wall wart. Already sealed the top of solar panel that had no sealant and no way for the water to get out, added better pair of 18650 laptop pulls than it came with. Now it will actually run without batts if needed off the 500mAh wart. Easy recharge as needed now.

Could have been a good light if it wa properly sealed and had some drain holes, along with a separate remote solar panel that could be directed to sun.
Always on in a dim mode at night, light up bright when motion detected. But it cant keep up in winter.
Tonight’s project was the power jack.

Do you have a link?

I had one of these on our last camper.

I didn’t think it worked. Took it apart twice before I (my wife) realized it didn’t come on daylight.

I looking for something solar for my garage. I like the dim to bright with motion.