Say hello to my little friend...

epoxy? rivets, lots o rivets

i think he was referring to the bulbs

Ooooohhhh I like Rivets…. No, not the bulbs… The whole danged light!!! I want 6!!! I’ll teach these bright light no dimmer drivers. Ha! That should knock’em right off the road! … I can hear the sirens now!!! 0:)


I saw the thread title and thought you were talking about Scarface! Oh well...Really cool looking lantern you got there!

That is one very cool light.

I’ll try one out, but I’m limited with photos right now - I’m using an old Iphone 3s for photos - which kinda blows for beam shots.

I agree, the led lamps just don’t cut it for driving, show car accent lighting maybe. But they work great in these lights :slight_smile:

LOL yeah, sorry for the misleading title. I was just playing on the size of this big yellow beast! It’s no EDC! LOL

Thanks I like it too. :slight_smile:

It is however up for sale - but on hold for another BLF member who is looking to free up some funds. If he doesn’t take it I will do a proper for sale post.

WOW $80 dollars non member price! And I have mine up for only $40 with the led lamp and $35 without it! I guess I underpriced it.

The version you found ther is an interesting alternative, but I think the CCFL is a “cooler” feature than the jumper cables, for me.

Unfortunately, that style of bulb is hyper-mega-uber-crappy. This thing cries out for some real LEDs.

I they used better led’s then they’d have to make them out of something with more heat syncing ability than plastic :wink:

Before I do a proper FOR SALE post, - many of you who posted in this thread showed an interest in my light - I just wanted to give you all a heads up that it is for sale. $40 with the LED lamp and $35 without it/stock halogen back in place. I will ship it any way you want to pay for it to be shipped. If you are interested please let me know now. Thanks —KartRacer31

I'd love to see what a light like that would do with a new MT-G2 emitter stuffed in the center! >)

If it performs lousy at least it should be able to jump start some lights pretty decently. lol

The pivoting head is what sold me I guess. I reason that I could swap out the stock head someday and replace it with something else like an HID. Not that it would be a slam dunk but at least it has that potential. :slight_smile: It’s supposedly made by a company named Mobil Power, Model #RESQ, according to SG. It uses a 120 watt halogen. That’s all the info I can get on it even on Google. I can’t find the company itself so it must be an SG exclusive or something. Taking a high dive on one big honking flashlight for the team. lol

You are only a few dollars away from finding out :slight_smile: Shall I gift wrap it for you :wink: