I decided to make runtimes of my own flashlights. Since Selfbuilt is no longer active (on CPF), I rarely see Zebralight runtimes. I started with my SC600w Mk IV Plus XHP50.2 @ 4500K. I bought the light in December 2020 directly from Zebralight. Unfortunately, my shoebox is only roughly calibrated, so don't take these numbers as the absolute truth. Unless you know where to find a Maukka flashlight :)
The test was done using a Sanyo NCR18650GA 3500mAh 18650 battery.
Level 12:
Note that the cooling was done with compressed air. This lamp manages heat well, but I really pushed a lot of air to be sure to eliminate this variable during the test. 2233 lumens for 5 minutes, then a gradual fading until reaching 1822 lumens at 23 min. After that the light produced 155 lumens for more than 2 hours.
Level 11:
For Level 11, I reduced the air flow a lot as the light can handle the rest without activating the PID. I stopped the test after the first step down (~77 min). 1302 lumens for 1 min, then 1274 lumens for another 57 min. The last stretch started is about 155 lumens. **Update Jan 7th 2023: I ran the test a second time and the result was the same: there is a small step down at the beginning.
Level 10:
697 lumens for ~2 hours, then 155 lumens until 150 min mark.
Level 09:
355 lumens for 4.7 hours (281 min), then 156 lumens until the 295th min.
Level 08:
156 lumens for 11.9 hours then sub lumen level.
Level 8 to 12:
Next runtime is with my Emisar D4V2 Luminus SST20 @ 2700K
Happy new year !