Probably thought headlights looked too goofy for teevee, ’though they’d be infinitely more useful. Throw light where you’re looking, not where your forearm is pointed.
Alien Isolation has a surprisingly tiny one for the setting. No idea why it’s in a full-on headset structure, though, it doesn’t work as a communicator. Batteries run dry pretty fast (much less of a concern than it may seem on paper), so I’m guessing it’s based on halogen bulbs…?
Thirdly, there’s Bioshock 2, where hilariously enough, your flashlight is your own bioluminescence cranked up to max. (For the life of me I can’t get a picture of it on the internet! )
This is actually a US military issue light, it’s been produced for decades. The Army models were olive drab, the Navy/Air force models were grey. I have one of each. Mostly D-cell, I’ve seen a few C-cell. They come with four color diffusers for signaling and not killing night vision or being less detectable to the enemy. It’s right-angle design is for hanging it on the straps of your backpack. They also have one feature I sometimes find I cannot do without, they float in water.
The photo is from the DS9 episode “Little Green Men” where the ferengi visited Earth in the year 1947. Not sure if the light design is actually that old, but I would not be surprised at all if it does. I’m not sure if that’s still the model issued to GI’s today, but you can definitely still get them.
If you’re doing any kind of boating, buoyancy can be life-or-death, but not-so-great for diving.
Just checked… The army model I have is very dark green, almost black. You can see the clip in the photo. It was issued to me in 1987. USARMY is stamped on the side.
The Navy model is straight, it is not a right-angle light, but otherwise has all the same features of the Army light. USNAVY is stamped on the side. Dad left the Navy in 1965.
They both still work.
No, but I did just decide they belong on the long shelf I made this year, along with my other queens. Amazingly, the Navy one looks almost like it’s never been used, only one small scratch on it, and the switch has very positive, secure action. All 4 diffusers are still in the tail cap. Keep the batteries out of them, of course.
How about a flashlight that is cooled by “li-900”, the ceramic that was used in space shuttle tiles? You could cast a triple spacer for a convoy s2 out of this stuff! Does anyone here have connections at Lockheed?
It would be nice to have a 3000 lumen pocket light that can run on turbo till the battery dies.Remember this is just fiction.