Searching for compact and throw

…and no plans to de-dome.
The 3D tint is great and I don’t think de-doming it will turn out well.

Schweet, Thanks!

Have you taken any tailcap readings? I haven’t had much luck with getting a lot of amps from XG-G2 LEDs. The only 2 that I managed to get 5A out of, burned up. I can only manage to get ~ 3.2A at the tail.

Convoy L4; has momentary-on with tailcap and a second button for mode selection, which means it won't change modes when using momentary; plus a good deal of throw at a price one can easily afford.

M23 is great, too (47 kcd). You should enjoy the momentary, but the modes will change if you tap the button too fast, which is why I still prefer a separate button for modes.

Interesting, what board did you mount it on? I regularly send 5.5A to XP-G2’s on Noctigon’s in 2 cell lights and haven’t had any problems with them burning up. High Vf limits most XP-G2’s current draw in single cell lights to not more than 4A usually, and commonly only 3.5A.

FET at 100% gives around 2.8 A on a semi-fresh Samsung 30Q. Will re-test when the cell is fresh of the charger.

On a bench power supply (4.2 V) it ramps above 4 A as it heats. I did not wait for it to stabilize.

It has a brass spring on the driver, standard 22 AWG emitter wires. I would actually prefer lower current, might switch from a high-current to a high-capacity cell for this one.

I use them on Noctigons. I have to try some of those one Mitko recommended from FT. He seems to regularly get them to 5A from a single cell.

Yeah, older bins have a lower Vf, but lower efficiency too, so it’s not as big a gain as you might expect.

Good point, thank Kloepper.

Eagle Eye X6 with de-domed xpg-2

you can just buy a forward clicky and swap it out easily

…and 3.4 A on a fresh 30Q.

I find it perfect!

Thanks for reporting back. I agree, despite the reading I have gotten I am quite impressed how far it throws.

An Eagle-Eye X5 would work well too.

It seems to me that the convoy L2 is ot ipx 8.
Also, the convoy are not available with xpl-hi so i think the x6 is a good deal?

If I find a forward clicky switch,I could do morse with the x6?

My best advice: go for the X6 with XP-L Hi, and instead of morse use your cell phone.

Morse is more for fun when I was scout we used morse a lot, it was cool :smiley:

Between convoy C8 Xml, L2 Xml and X6 xpl Hi, who is the best thrower?

Good question, and I don’t have the answer.

However, my money would be on the X6 with XP-L HI.

I’ve got a P60 with V3 XP-L HI 2B, and it throws darn near as well as a XM-L2 T-6 3B C8!


My guess would be the Convoy L2. But I see no point of buying the Convoy L2 with XM-L2, when you are opting for compactness and throw.

My favorite thrower that is really compact: X6 (can be made very short with 1x18350-tube), XP-E2 dedomed@2A.

It has a very similar beamshape to both C8 with dedomed XP-G2 and Convoy L2 with XP-L HI, while C8 and L2 are driven at max amps from a single cell, both have higher lux- and of course lumen-numbers. The sizes of the hotspots are roughly the same in these three lights.

If you don’t want to mod the light or have it modded, I’d suggest get a X6 XP-L HI, or get the Convoy L2 when it’s available with XP-L HI if that’s compact enough for you.

I think I could go for X6 XP-L HI.
For this flashlight I have to afford protected or unprotected 18650?

Good night,