I’am french, passionate about hiking, bushcraft, and nature. I like also DIY and I make traditionnal knives.
I search a light with a good throw, submersible to IPX 8 and compact, for EDC in a bag.
I will normally join the police (“gendarmerie”) as a reservist, so I think it’s good if the light is small enought to be on the belt.
I was thinking about convoy m2 but I realized this light is not ipx 8. It’s necessary for me, for my bushcraft trips.
I think also about convoy S series with TIR lense, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.
A Convoy S6 with smooth reflector and XP-G2 will have a very similar/almost identical beam profile as a Convoy C8 with an XML/XPL. It will throw very nicely for its size. (Not as far as a C8 of course)
I’ve seen many pics of the Convoy S6 and seems to have double o-rings at both ends of the tube.
I second this idea. A Convoy S2/S6/S8 with a dedomed XP-G2 or XP-L Hi with a SMO would be a super compact and throw pretty decently especially for its size.
If you can go a bit larger, a Eagle Eye X6 with XP-L Hi would be nice.
How about the JM35, either in the compact 1x26650 form or the longer 2x26650 form? (While less pocketable, the 2x26650 form is better balanced for handcarrying.)
It may be quite chunky for you but the Thrunite TN4A is really nicely built, uses 4xAA, is IPX8, is pretty cheap and comes with a belt holster. I love mine.
Richard at Mountain Electronic should be able to make this for you. These are super easy to put together if you have a soldering iron and some basic tools.
I consider all your proposals, they are all great, thanks to you I discover a lot of light I didn’t known.
I think the brinyte and the JM 35 are too big for me.
The thrunite TN4A is too much for me.
So there are:
Convoy S2/S6/S8 with a dedomed XP-G2 or XP-L Hi with a SMO.
Convoy C8, may be a little too big.
Eagle Eye X6 with XP-L Hi
I search information to compare the throw of these lights. I search for around 350 meters.
I also think about P60 lights because they seems compact and easy to modify.
If you can fork over the extra money, this will buy you more range than you can handle! I have it on the toolbelt nearly every shift! And the only reason I swap out at all is because I get bored! lol
Thanks Rusty Joe for your welcome! Olight m2x is not in my budget! I search something like the olight m23: good throw but very compact.
I have a question: for flashlight which have just a bottom click, is it possible to use momentary on, or it change the mode? I ask because I like to use light for morse.
I just did this with an S2 host, FET+1 driver, SMO reflector and XP-G2 S3-3D emitter on a Noctigon.
Really happy with the result. Throw is no C8, but it is not far from a XM-L2 X6.
Other than that I can also recommend the Eagle Eye X6, regular or XP-L Hi model. Great quality for the price you pay. It is relatively compact and very solid.
Morse code is not really practical on these tail-cap clicky lights. It would require a special firmware, or a single mode driver.