Hi, All.
I’m copy and pasting the title from Banggood SEEKNITE SK03 XM-L2 U2 Helligkeit 50 m EDC Taschenlampe AAA Batterie Outdoor Camping Sale - Banggood Deutschland sold out-arrival notice-arrival notice
New single triple AAA from Seeknite that is available to preorder. The design looks awesome, especially the sand blasted version…but that emitter is a bit old isn’t it? Not even a U3. I think I’ll take a punt on it and see how it fares.
December 20, 2020, 11:58pm
I jumped on it, after grabbing the x6s, I would gladly take a stab at it, great pre-order price
December 21, 2020, 12:22am
Can anyone confirm this is truly titanium and it’s not stainless steel?
December 21, 2020, 12:37am
On the one hand, it’s awful cheap to be titanium. On the other, I’ve never seen a sandblasted stainless steel light (though that doesn’t mean there aren’t any)
December 21, 2020, 6:10am
$17.7 shipped to my place. One could get Astrolux Ti3A for several dollars less so I don’t think it’s awful cheap.
BTW I remember seeing this light before (the polished version) but I can’t find it….
December 21, 2020, 7:51am
tempting but ill give it a miss.
it would of been more popular if it’s AA version.
I wouldn’t be surprise it has pwm
December 21, 2020, 1:00pm
Link from OP doesn't work anymore but I found this one
Is it really XM-L emitter inside????
January 12, 2021, 8:15pm
I just got This seeknite SK3 from BG
It is advertised as a 6500k xml2 led, however it looks more like a XPG2, or even a counterfeit one.
Any thoughts?
Just found this thread on TLF, which looks to be a genuine XPG2
Hallo allerseits!
Ich habe eine seltsame, vorerst noch unbekannte LED erhalten. Sie hat eine sehr starke Ähnlichkeit zu einer Cree XP-G2, doch gibt es mehrere Unterschiede im Aussehen, die mich dazu veranlasst haben, sie mal ausführlicher zu...