Selfbuilt's Wurkkos WK15 review

​Latest review:

Wurkkos WK15

I know this is an older model, but I thought it was odd that there is a relative lack of reviews on it. The WK15 is a relatively compact, inexpensive, general-purpose flashlight running on a single 21700 battery. It features the common Cree XHP50.2 emitter.

Hope you find the comparisons useful!

On the beamshot it like really extreme Cree rainbow here :confused:

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Been waiting for a review of this light for awhile to confirm that it doesn’t have regulation, or at least it has poor regulation.

Thanks for the review!

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Yup, this is one of the more pronounced specimens I’ve seen. Don’t know if its just luck of the draw, or if Cree bins these specifically for lower cost. I’ve also seen some pretty intense examples on more expensive lights, so I think its likely due to chance.

Yeah, this may be why they didn’t send it out to reviewers when it first came out. But they were happy to send one to me when I asked, so kuddos to them for that.

It’s typical behavior of the 2nd XHP emitters–the phosphor pour extends way past the die, so the blue light emitted sideways has to pass through a lot of phosphor and turn very yellow. The result is angular tint shift much worse than first-gen domed emitters. The only ways to deal with this without modifying the emitter are heavily diffused TIR or a very deep (relative to diameter) reflector, but we are getting none of them.

It’s only excusable given the light is an older model, nowadays the 3rd generation domeless emitters are widely available.

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Thanks for the info, very helpful. Good to know the latest gen emitters are better. Hopefully this just works its way through on newer models.

I agree this light certainly isn’t perfect. But it does have a good UI, onboard usb-c charging and a 5000mah cell. I added a magnetic tailcap and converted it to a quad sst-20 4000k and it makes a great work light!

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