Hey everyone.
I’m wanting to add some sequential LED strips to my car.
I’ve bought a generic strip for the front headlights but I’m having so issues with them.
The strips are RGB LEDs with 3 wires.
Red wire for power
Black wire for ground
Yellow wire for sequential turn signal.
I’ve wired it up to my car in a way that it works as it should.
The issue is, it only works when the car is off.
The LED strip lights up to a daytime running light setting and the signal flashes when I use the turn signal.
But when the car is on, the strip works for 5 seconds and then stops working and reverts to some sort of preset setting.
The Daytime running light changes to a different color and the signal flash stops working.
I saw a YouTube video where someone else had this issue and they added something to the wiring. I can’t find the video or remember what they used in the video to fix the issue. He did mention it had something to do with the alternator changing car voltage when the engine was running and it caused issues.
I’m looking for help to see what I need to add to the led strip wires so it works with car off or on.
Apologies if this is posted with the wrong section.
Any help is appreciated.