Guys I wanted to ask who among you is able to repair my Astrolux MF02S V2 the one with the SBT90.2 led that has decided not to work anymore after the spring that connects the head with the battery pack has broken. the repair will take place at my expense as long as this does not cost too much, I do not think neither the led nor the driver has been compromised, I think it is just a contact problem after a friend tried to weld a new spring without success.
Unfortunately I can not find anyone who wants to help me in the repair of my MF02S so I ask if anyone is interested in exchanging it because I do not have the knowledge and skills to carry out a repair or alternatively sell me a used head ... thanks to all
Hi there. It seems from my understanding that the only fault is a detached soldered spring. I suspect that a simple soldering operation will fix the problem. You can try local (electronics) shops where they sell soldering irons and stuff, and ask if they, or someone they know can fix it. It should be fixed within minutes, and therefore is also a lot cheaper than shipping the light and back to someone of this forum.
You could also try finding someone locally with a soldering iron and some skills.
Ciao. Da quanto ho capito, l'unico difetto è una molla saldata staccata. Sospetto che una semplice operazione di saldatura risolverà il problema. Puoi provare i negozi locali (di elettronica) dove vendono saldatori e cose del genere e chiedere se loro o qualcuno che conoscono possono aggiustarlo. Dovrebbe essere risolto in pochi minuti, e quindi è anche molto più economico della spedizione della luce e del ritorno a qualcuno di questo forum. Potresti anche provare a trovare qualcuno in locale con un saldatore e alcune abilità.
Thanks for the answer, I tried to do what you suggest and I have not found anyone willing to waste time on this thing, I know it seems incredible but they answer me or that they do not do it because they prefer to repair televisions or smartphones or they do not have time perhaps because it is not a repair with which they can ask for a lot of money so they prefer not to waste time ...
Puoi postare qualche foto del problema? Sarei disposto a risolvere il problema per te, ma per la spedizione in entrambi i modi potresti acquistare un saldatore e ripararlo da solo?
Ok tomorrow post some photos, however it is not very expensive to ship to England with Royal Mail about 40 pounds round trip.
Se vuoi inviarlo in Croazia, posso ripararlo per te se il LED e il driver sono a posto. Ti costerebbe solo la spedizione.
I thank you for your offer but normally for my character when I get selfless help from someone I am used to being somewhat grateful so I have been polite so even if you don't want anything for repair you could accept a gift. Instead, going back to the lamp I can't tell you if the driver or the LED are not damaged, the only thing I can tell you is that before the spring broke everything worked.
Penso che l'autista al loro interno sia intrappolato, rendendolo un incubo tirarlo fuori. È anche lo stesso del driver MF05.
Questa è anche la mia paura che l'abbiano incollato con dello stucco sul filo...
However, I believe that it is not necessary to remove the driver, it would be necessary to eliminate all the tin used for the bad soldering, free the copper of the driver and carry out a new soldering in a workmanlike manner.
Okay then if you can write to me in private giving me your address, I will send you the flashlight with its long tube complete with batteries. I have seen with UPS courier with tracking it should cost me about 12 euros in the way and 12 in the return, for the return if you give me your PayPal address or as you prefer, I will send you the money ... then if there are problems along the way we can talk here on the forum or on FB or wherever you want, in the meantime if I search on FB on Federico Troili where there is a mountain that is me.
It was broken driver and new driver fixed the problem.
Old driver was really a pain to remove as is potted and also red loctite on bezel was not helping with disassembly…
Sadly I don’t have pictures because while removing the driver I cut my hand really bad as tool slipped and went through my palm so didn’t feel like taking pictures at that point.
I think somebody trying to solder a spring overheated the driver and there was some broken component or broken solder I couldn’t find as I didn’t find efficient way to remove all potting silicone from driver to see small details. Also I may not be good in finding broken SMD components on driver as I don’t really have tools for something that small.
After contacting Mateminco on aliexpress they sold me a new driver and shipped it to me.
Same day I got new driver it was all assembled and working as new
For all BLF friends, I can confirm that repairing this torch was really difficult, Mario posted photos of his work as he progressed and what he said is all true, in practice the manufacturer has welded with everything the driver could to the host, one thing I can't understand and honestly none of us would want on a lamp, we are basically unable to make any repairs and this guy was way too good and that cost him also an injury to the hand which I was really sorry, his story is not able to make the difficulties encountered and Mario is too humble because the problems came even once he managed to disassemble the driver who had simply drowned in the silicone and therefore cannot be inspected in its components. It took a painstaking work and a not just commitment on his part, who also took care to find the necessary spare parts from the manufacturer.And you know the best part of this whole story what is it? Who did not want anything for his work, he did it simply because he always repeated to me that he was happy to have helped another lamp enthusiast like him ... I have no words to thank him but he will surely always have my gratitude as a man and my esteem as a professional.
Wow, that is an awesome story. Thank you guys for posting it. And thank you Mario for helping the fellow out. when most of us are too busy, or simply too selfish to give a damn about anyone else’s problem, this guy stepped up to the plate. And helped a fellow enthusiast out. And without asking for a penny in exchange? How many of us would do that? we need to hear more stories like this.