SFT-40 3000k Warm White released. Tests??

While going through Kaidomains website, I’ve found the new SFT-40 in 3000k CCT.
Can’t really find any information on it. Not even a datasheet.
Anyone done any kind of testing yet?? I really want to buy it.

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Yeah no datasheet, likely it’s the same binning nomenclature as their other LEDs.

HB4 is above the BBL (refer to SST-20 WxH datasheet)
L5 is 620-655lm at 1.5A (refer to SST-20 WxS datasheet)

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Oh geez it’s happening

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There was this post from the Convoy thread

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Hmm. KDs website doesn’t say anything about being high cri. I wonder if it’s the same led.

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Just slightly over bbl. Shouldn’t be too bad I think.

Ah I missed that important detail, so most likely two different versions. (The high-cri sounds intriguing as well though!)

Meh. When you get to 3000k high CRI isn’t as significant imo

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Yes I agree. There are exceptions of course but generally in LEDs it doesn’t matter that much.
But if you compare let’s say a low pressure sodium lamp vs a 1800k LED you see when CRI comes in factor.

But we don’t have to worry about this in our lights.
In fact I have a high cri GT-FC40 and a low cri XHP70.3 HI, both in 3000k and actually prefer the xhp tint, as it is rosier.

You can still see the cri difference side by side. But is not as significant as a 5000k LED.

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If someone has a SFT40 3000K for me I can test it. :slight_smile:

For now I have no samples in stock.

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That makes sense, I have some 2700k 519a lights and I don’t find it great for seeing color (I’ve settled on 5000k as my preferred temp).

I don’t actually have a use-case for a 3000k long-distance light (any CRI) so it’s just interest to learn these new variations on a very popular LED.

Awesome. Now if KD would ship what I ordered a month ago, or at least respond to my emails, maybe I’d order from them again. Hopefully Convoy will start carrying these.

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Simon said he would have high cri sft40 in october.

I’d still like to know if KD’s is high cri or not. Let’s all ask them and if it’s not at they’ll know the interest is high!

Is probably high CRI, since flux bin is lower than Simon’s sample.

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They updated the listing:

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The walls have ears! Quick! Grab your tinfoil hat!! hides

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I’m already wearing mine!

Personally I’m waiting on a 4000K.

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It’s all the emails they got!

What’s the % or difference of lumen lost for that flux bin?

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Lead times sure are long right now. My order from the start of July just shipped yesterday. Also the 8% discount went away :confused:

-1 left :zipper_mouth_face:

Edit: Back in stock. He’s indeed listening. Scary. Ordered.

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