Welcome to The Shadow 4th of July giveaway! Why a 4th of July giveaway? Why not? :party: The Rules (PLEASE read carefully):
1) You must be a BLF member, registered on or before June 15, 2012, from any country.
2) This is one giveaway of five lots but with two categories: the four specified lots and the mystery light. Only one entry per person in each category. Entries for each category can be in the same post or different posts.
3) To participate in the first category, please tell us briefly why you like flashlights. Winners will be randomly selected.
4) To participate in the second category, guess what the mystery light is, brand and exact model. Winner will be randomly selected from all correct answers but first person to get it right will have a greater chance. You may change your mystery light guess once but ONLY by posting again, NOT by editing your first guess.
5) Those who RSVPd and who participate in the first category are automatically in all four first category drawings. Those who did not RSVP are only in first category drawings until they win. This means that someone who RSVPd could potentially win all four lots in the first category and the mystery light, while someone who didn’t RSVP could at most win one lot in the first category and the mystery light.
6) Winners in the first category are welcome to tell me which lots they want in order of preference, and those who RSVPd will have their wishes honored first. No promises on your preferences other than I’ll do my best.
7) Contest closes at 9PM EST Thursday, July 5th.
The Prizes:
All lights are in mint condition and the Keygos KE-5 is one of the good ones.
Mystery Light Clue:
Sorry for having to use this slime-ball criminal psychopath but he is better at clues than I am.
I enjoy flashlights because they allow me to see in the dark it is also fun to Lego them and create different lights. . :p Can I pm you my guess for the mystery light?
No, it must be public. If you’re the first to get it you’ll have a definite advantage but not a lock on winning it. Of course you can hold your guess but if that allows someone else to get it before you, they’ll have the advantage. J)
For the first category: I like flashlights because I wear glasses and have poor eyesight in the dark and I think I also have a subconscious fear of it. I hate waiting for my eyes to adjust so I always have a light near me.
First of all, I have to Thank you for making this possible. BLF is incredible!
OK, Why I like flashlights???
I really don´t know… I like them since I was a little kid, I don´t know why, but when I was a child I was affraid of the dark… I was affraid of getting in the dark when a storm produced a black-out, etc…. and since that I always have tried to have one flashlight next to me to use it as soon as the power goes out… or whatever… Now that I am older, the flashlights have become more than a hobby…. they are part of my life…………
i like flashlights because it makes my job easier seeing in dark places. attics,crawlspaces,basements and in the winter months when theres less light outside.
Why i like flashlights? I really don’t know, other than the fact that they are useful in a lot of activities that i have, such as night walking, fishing and camping, the addiction is really strange. And honestly, i am not afraid of the dark, but generally i am a bit gadget maniac and like the fact that there is a lot of technology in the most recent led flashlights.
The mystery light should be a good thrower, such as creland 7G5!
Back in the days it probably all began with my dads MagLite 3D, which was so super awesome bright (silly me). Then about 10 years ago I bought my first Led flashlight, which had a great runtime, but not too many lumens
As they say, time passes by pretty fast and I had nearly forgotten my interest in torches; then, one day, my car broke down literally in the middle of nowhere, and all I had to take a look at the engine was a small, crappy keychain light. After hours of work, when I finally returned to my home, I decided to look up some lights on the net, and I stumbled across all these “strange” batteries, like 18650, saw some YouTube videos and so on . . .
At the beginning, I wanted flashlights just to see during the night while I was fishing to avoid an accident walking on the rocks etc, but once I started trying some XXXfires, I wanted more throw, more power, more flood, more runtime,more comact, cheaper, with a better finish, with a nice driver, with multiple emitters, and maybe more things I cannot remember haha.
I like flashlights because I’m amazed by the technology since LEDs are invented. And I can show them off to my non flashaholic friends and they would go “Wow”.
I recently got into lights thanks to getting into night riding on my new mountain bike. First it was a cheap and nasty 4 led plastic flashly light, now I have an ametuer collection of 7 high powered xml flashlights after 1 month of discovering this forum!
Of course it isn’t entirely practical, driving around at night in Vietnam isn’t safe. Other than that I just love these things, they feel and look so cool!
The mystery light, Shadow JM05, something about wolf being written on the tail cap seems to spring to mind…