Shadow SL3 XM-L2

I think that I did that earlier measurement with a red UF 26650. I have some KK and TF 26650s, so I’ll try those in a bit.


EDIT: The best I got was with the KK 26650, at 4.26 amps. HOWEVER, the light won’t turn on with the KK 26650 in it… I’m guessing they’re too long. I noticed that it put a big depression in the KK button top :(. Great :(!!

The TF and UF 26650 seem to work ok in the light, albeit with flakiness per my other thread.

Is it possible that the flat top isn’t makjng contact properly?
I have to use a piece of copper on top if the positive battery contact to make my 26650’s work.

It’s powerful that’s for sure, but I’ve no way if measuring output and no similar lights to compare to.

All the 26650s are button tops. I don’t think it’s a matter of the battery not contacting, as I mentioned I actually crushed/dinged one of my KKs trying it in this SL3, and it wouldn’t turn on at all with the KK.

If I had to, I’d actually guess the opposite, that because they don’t use a positive spring, but rather a solid nub, if the battery is too LONG, then it prevents the front of the battery tube (which is not anodized) from contacting the negative ring that’s in the head.

4.41A w/ MNKE IMR 26650 3500 mAh (new orange one)
4.51A w/ King Kong ICR 26650 unprotected
3.53A w/ Trustfire ICR 26650 protected
3.92A w/ Panasonic NCR18650B protected (Fasttech)
4.51A w/ Samsung INR-1865020R

I am actually a little shocked that the King Kong ICR provided more current than the MNKE IMR. Also, I think I need to throw away all of my Trustfire cells…I charged up my Trustfire 26650 at 1.5A on my hobby charger. It terminated the charge at 4.18v and when I touched the battery it was hot as hell. After letting it sit about 5 minutes, I pulled out my IR thermometer and it was still 120 degrees Fahrenheit! Trustfires just scare me…

Ok, I see what you mean.


I wish Samsung made the 20R in 26650 so it had more capacity because they are a great cell.

Agreed. Can you imagine the capacity of a Panasonic 26650 made with their latest chemistry? It would probably be 6000 or 7000 mAh. It is a shame there isn’t a demand…

Yeah that would be seriously impressive.