shake, shake, shake

The fault lies not in the stars, but in New Jersey.

(even got the right cadence!)

It’s Planet X, OHhhhh NOoooooo

Ramapo Fault

For sure Aliens. Damn Aliens.

Had a 4.4 here today. Was in the car on the way to one of my Docs.
Didn’t notice it. Friends said it was pretty loud and shook thing on the walls.
All the Best,

also, what the locals call locusts ( cicadapocalypse).
two broods at once. XIII and XIX.

Locust, too, eh?

Wellp, according to Sunny (But Not Too Bright) Hosten, both The Earthquake and The Eclipse are due to climate change. :joy::brain::poop::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

She should go back to reading JK Tolkien…

1 Thank


A bunch of years ago we had a cicadapocalypse.
It was annoying and LOUD.
Couldn’t go outside without the little buggers trying to climb up - well everything.
I would sometimes feed one to the giant ant colony that lived under my driveway.
All the Best,

Obviously, that fool is thinking of Guadalcanal… or maybe Guadalcanoe. We all know how easy it is to capsize a canoe.

He’s a canoe, all right…




Hi everyone, it’s important to avoid discussing or presenting politics from any viewpoint on this forum. I’m not trying to promote or discourage any personal beliefs or political leanings that any individuals might have, but to keep the peace on this forum such topics should be strictly avoided here. So if anyone posted any references to politics in this thread please go back and edit your post(s). Thanks in advance.

2 Thanks

My post had nothing to do with any political views.
I was just showing off the humor in the ignorance of some of our officials.
He could have been a republican or a vegetarian as far as I’m concerned.
But I’ll remove the video from the post.
All the Best,

2 Thanks

Such a shame we have to tip toe around so much these days… but, it is what it is …

Same :blush:


I remember a while ago I was making fun of a politician that just about everyone hates–I’m talking about people on both sides of the aisle.
Even that was a bad idea, and I will have to do better in the future. :+1:

Cicadas were around every summer in San Antonio. I never saw a mass hatching of them. These were the green one’s and I noticed more brownish ones along the Victoria Crossroads and Texas coastal plain.

There’s a little yellow blip right at quake area, this event.

The green ones are fresh and unripe, but the browns ones are overripe and probably about to turn bad.

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