Shocking Images Exposed The G700 Flashlight

No they claim to be out of California they sent me the same spam and I couldnt get off the page I tried and tried I finally had to restart my phone and go to new emails

I missed this!

I dont think I saw LB named!
HOW COOL, just be honest about LB LED, more respect for Mr Mao!
I need/want to order some stuff anyway, and some tihings are not shipped, I will add this ROFLOL!

Yes ordered with some nick nacks, just too nice to see it advertised honest!


That's the exact same $6 zoomie I've just been getting advice on from you guys.

Yeah, isn’t honesty refreshing? Here it is. Possibly the only honest listing for this flashlight…

I had Simon throw one in with my last order too just for giggles. :smiley: Heck if it’s endorsed by a guy in camouflaged pants and a tight T shirt how can you go wrong! LOL
May as well just cancel the plans for the Q8 Miller and stock up on these bad boys!
Actually for $5 it’s a pretty decent zoomie. Anyone who paid over $8 for it though I feel for. Simon lists it at 350 lumens which of course is on an 18650 and it’s every bit of that. Probably a bit higher
Sadly, most of the people who order these for $20 are probably going to be replacing an old incan Mag light and they will truly be impressed and tell their friends. :person_facepalming:

I guess “XML T6” is like “Cree” — when those appear on flashlight battery tubes nowadays, it has nothing to do with whatever the battery tube is attached to.

Yes sir. It means absolutely nothing 95% of the time. It’s something the manufacturers of cheap Chinese lights were told a few years ago would help them sell more lights if they put it on the tube. :person_facepalming: Based on the shape I see when zoomed in the LatticeBright emitter in these is very much like the old XML emitters.

I just took this picture with the light in low pointed at a corkboard. It shows the emitter shape pretty well.

Ooooo… Military Grade light NOW available to the PUBLIC!

And we ALL know that military lumens are always brighter than civilian lumens!!

Mentioned this elsewhere, but for reference so people will be warned —

Here is a really egregiously misleading review of it, by a fake review site, check out this page: (link is external)

Wow, that is pitiful……… :person_facepalming: … And just think how many uninformed poor souls will be suckered in. :frowning:

[quote=DB Custom]
Media sells, it’s what they do.

In a reverse format, anyone remember the Winchester Black Talon ammunition? The expanding bullet was designed to open with sharp points, the media said it cuts through a victim like a buzz saw, spinning at a high rate of speed. I guess one revolution in 9” is incredibly fast (not) and the doctors getting cut by this vicious bullet during surgery, oh please! At any rate, the media got this removed from the civilian market through similar hype and constant battering. It’s what media does, bring exaggerated misinformation to the masses. With today’s tech, they’ve gotten even better at misdirection and beautifully decorated lies.

I actually still own 2 boxes of Black Talons….

You have to be very careful with those flashlights.

I heard of one guy who failed to hang on with both hands when he turned it on, and the recoil almost tore his arm off. There really should be a warning label!

I think the real problem lies with those 8000 mAh 18650s they insist on putting in there. They’re WAY too powerful!


Actually when the black talons were taken off they were rereleased as red talons. And no one said anything about them again. But at any rate you shouldn’t keep civilian ammunition for more the 7-10 years. Real military produced ammunition yes. The bullet makers have to put some kind of additive that makes the gunpowder pretty much turn to gel over a decade. So civilians can’t stock pile massive amounts of ammunition against the govt. Some rounds may still fire after that long but will be very weak.

Military ammunition on the other hand will hold for s very long time. In the marines 2009 we can across a box of grenades from Vietnam. And they all went boom. The old grendades were much better with the pineapple. My tip if your going to stock up ak47 ammo. Get old African war ammo. Yes thry use corrosive primer but if you clean your weapon on egeb a semi regular basis its not a problem. But the gunpowder will hold if your trying to build a doomsday stash. I don’t know if they sell it anymore since we’ve been st war. If you can find surplus military ammo thsts what you want to purchase not the regular name brands. The govt doesn’t advertise that ammo won’t last. Or that the military ammo will. But inside some military circles its well known.

These lights or similar are now being sold at Rite-Aid in the “As Seen on TV” section.

They are on the shelf between the “Bacon Boss” the “Personal Nose Hair Trimmer” !

Same (overpriced) stuff in a different package.

I wonder if Bed, Bath, and Beyond has them. They have an “As seen on TV” section as well. lol!

One of my favorite actors Christoper Walken , was in the film Click, his character worked in “Bed Bath and Beyond…” he was beyond alright.
Don’t ask me how have these connection to irrelevant topics.
RIP Willy Wonka

I’ve been looking for a high powered flashlight and have been told I need a nose hair trimmer. Plus I like bacon. Does anyone know if they are planning a multi-purpose flashlight? Obviously this one is powerful enough to cook bacon on the light end. Maybe they could install a nose hair trimmer on the other end?

Say What??? Never heard of such in my entire life. Can you back this up with factual documentation?

There have been ammo manufacturers over the years debunk that claim. It was thought about, and tested, but there was no reliable way to make the powder fail at a specific time in the future. I have plenty of ammo from the 70’s through today, and bulk powder spanning the same time. None of it has gone bad.

hahahahaha cracked me up!

How about using these X700/G700 flashlights as strap-on boosters for space launch vehicles?
With the photon pressure they put out, that ought to work ….