Shooting rats with IR/Night Vision.

a futon IS a scopeless… its the same thing, really

your just using the gun scopes front main objective in place of the cs-mount lens you use in a scopeless.

futon or scopeless? what we call “parallax” is really just “focusing”. (the front lens on a gun scope? screws in and out to focus, even if a cheap scope doesnt have “parallax adjustment” its still there… just unscrew the front and refocus the lens, lol)

you can take ANY gun scope and re-focus it for use as a air rifle, simply by unscrewing the front bezel and refocusing.

the advantages of the futon build?
your “lens” is definitely recoil proof, lol… it was a gun scope lens.
fairly high magnification, 10 to 12x is not uncommon
good performance for the magnification
low price… you dont have to buy a c-mount, you dont have to buy a expensive camera lens (as camera lenses get higher magnification, the price goes up)
small size and traditional gun scope look

your stuck with fixed magnification, and relatively high magnification
you dont get an IRIS to restrict light like with a decent camera lens

most gun scopes i reamed out for FUTON trying out? work AWESOME out in a dark field… the pain is when there is off-axis light. its handy to twist an IRIS to limit the light or open it up for darkness.


out in a DARK FIELD scanning for coyotes, without any lights around? my FUTON builds work awesome, and personally i LIKE a fairly high magnification for distance… plus? i can lower the magnification (raising the performance too, bigger exit pupil, lower F number) by adding a lens. the lens goes where the flat glass cover on the ej230 goes… but, this isnt for everyone.

the main thing i missed was an IRIS… i compensated by having cheap “lens covers” with different size holes in them, like people make for the photon for daylight use.


the traditional scopeless is NICE because the cam lenses have an IRIS like you want.

if you have good enough IR light? personally, i dont think i would be shooting further than i can “see” well with even an addon, really. I never shot beyond 400 yards anyways, and i can see that far with an addon. PLus? going from 3x to 9x is NICE for scanning, then zooming in to shoot.

zooming a cam lens (if its not fixed FL) affects POI…. addons are no more or less accurate than the gun and scope they are on.

I wonder if you could build NVG’s with the Shark or other knock-off of a shark goggle and a pair of cameras. From what you are describing the performance of something like that would rival or exceed Gen III goggles.

Great to hear your inputs sedstar! :-) Nice builds! And that's one big mofo of a rat!

I started the other way round. Got interested in flashlights, and had to build this NV setup for my dad, because of a lot of rats in his zoo.

And thanks for welcoming me into the DIY night vision club :-)

800 meters! that's crazy! :-) What lens/flashlight did you use for that?

Yeah I went with the e700. I think Rolaid in one of his videos said that the guts of the E700 and the EJ230 were the same. So I went for the cheaper one.

I agree that a scopeless setup is overkill for an airgun. But if I build another setup I'll try to make it scopeless. I really like your idea of gutting out a gun scope, and the sturdiness it must give. But i also like the look and customizability of Rolaids DNVS 3.1

But I'll have to dive back into to learn the newest trends and tricks before return to the DIY night vision club :-)

yeeeah rats :slight_smile:

i wish there are more here on my little farm with pool

kalibrgun cricket 5.5 with Hawke airmax 30

feeder the rats for couple days/weeks on a place.
they coming on evening/dark.
if you see the tats on daylight there are a lot :expressionless: many rats than maybe 20 ore more

shining wit a red flashlight atmosferish bvb tf 20 with red led 20-50 meter from the feder place.
better diming light than strong (low stand)

about +–20-25 shoot the rats

i see this video here from making sheap infra red

link here

maybe update the UF T20 with red xpe2 on noctigon with a couple of this negative for the glass ?

ASKED:“800 meters! that’s crazy! Smile What lens/flashlight did you use for that?”
ANSWER: 800 “plus” meters was with the “big” illuminator and the scopeless build. Its a scratch build, the one in the pictures that shows a dollar bill for size comparison. Looks big and heavy? but its just all PVC mostly, so its surprisingly light. AT one amp?? we dont have gobs of heat to displace like we do on a high performance flashlight like you guys build. SO the extensive heatsinking isnt as necessary. instead of using one big lens like most zoomies use you are familiar with? my scratch build has a lens down inside the reflector of the p60, and 2 to 3 lenses acting in combination after that…unless someone claims better, no one has posted video or pictures of my distances, so, i might have the distance record. WHIle its a better performing illuminator? obviously not everyone is going to try to get 3 or 4 lenses working together…most will go with “one lens” like regular visible zoomies you are used to.

ASKED:“I agree that a scopeless setup is overkill for an airgun. But if I build another setup I’ll try to make it scopeless.”
ANSWER: scopeless is ALSO great as it greatly reduces the size and weight of the thing. With an addon? you end up with a fair sized gun scope, a big lensed IR zoomie illuminator, a screen…maybe battery… it gets HEAVY, a lot of the weight is top heavy, and you end up looking like something out of a starwars movie, LMAO. The scopeless is a lot smaller and lighter and if you can locate the illuminator under the stock, its not top heavy.

ASKED:“I really like your idea of gutting out a gun scope, and the sturdiness it must give.”
ANSWER: the biggest problem i have, is a nuts and bolts issue… the EJ230 body, as it comes, has a slight taper to the body. Its a very slight “cocked” in the gun scope. SOME scopes i tried are a hair big inside diameter, i like the ones too small… cos i ream them out to a good fit. I have been “toying” with the idea of trying to use O-rings on the EJ230 body to “center it” inside the scope tube, then thinking about maybe epoxying it in place. What i LIKE about the idea is that a gun scope is all made to take recoil and fit sturdy on a gun. The LENS is made to be sturdy for recoil too. Its just a nuts and bolts thing to get it sturdy and centered inside the tube.

SOMEone up there mentioned making night vision goggles?

if you start with video glasses? this rolaids video…

…describes putting a “e190” camera with a 12mm board lens (lipstick cam, same company as ej230 and e700) and taping it to the side of the glasses…lol

its automatically a NVG system.

mounting the camera and a bigger better lens on a hat or head mount, would make it pretty awesome… and you would just use the IR zoomie flashlight just like you would use a regular flashlight… just shine it around.

i’m definitely going to have to get a pair of the video eyeglasses… it eliminates the need for a screen in the gun build… plus it doubles as real night vision goggles if you add a lipstick cam to the side of the glasses…

Wanted to let you guys know, after reading this thread you guys have made me go out and buy a couple of pellet guns. First pellet guns except for a couple of cheap Chinese guns since childhood. Have an RWS Diana 350 Magnum .177 coming later today and an Air Arms S410 SL Xtra FAC Magnum .22 coming later in the week. Signed up on the Gateway to Airguns forum but it seems a little dead, any better forums on airguns?