Silly optic mods

I just received some plastic optic lens from Fasttech today.

Put some into a few flashlights and these are the results.

From left to right: X-Power Galaxy, Roche F12, and SupFire M6.

Beam shots. Note: Phone camera used. Images for beam profile only, not brightness.

X-Power Galaxy

The optic I used for the X-Power galaxy had a lip near its top edge that I had to file and "sand" off with some copy paper before it would fit. I did a real rough job of it. Unfortunately my phone cannot pick up such detail.

Roche F12

Optics for the Roche and SupFire are the same, and they fit perfectly without any further modification.

SupFire M6

Strange faint rings appeared near the centre of the beam. I think it is the optics allowing light past them from the reflector.

I quite like how the beams turned out. The ringyness I can tolerate.

Here are the optics used.

The Roche is my favourite. Really nice diffusion. Thanks for sharing!

Cool… you found a way to turn a bright M6 into a dim one :smiley:

Uh Oh. I didn't think about the TIR-style optics. Anybody up for putting these in a G36? I sold mine but always wanted to make a super-flooder monster out of it...

I like the smooth beam this type of lens generates in the Armytek Wizard Pro. It's much smoother than the floodiest carclo lenses. I wonder what the efficiency is like. Carclo is only around 80%.

Awesome post. Well done.

I really like the results for SupFire M6. Talk about wall of light! :slight_smile:

They claim… 93%

Pretty cool mods. Pretty smooth beams as wall shots are the most revealing situation. I sure hope you didn't scratch your M6 reflector in the process though.

Nothing like a home brew custom mod. Nice job.

On that M6 is it alot more floody, did it cut down on the light output?

Makes for good in close work but no more throw right?

IME a reflector of a given diameter will focus to a tighter spot with more spill than the same size optic and the optic will have larger spot with little spill. For some things I prefer this difference. Also, for those same two elements, the optic will be shorter from the front of the lens to the led.

looks nice!

i had to look at my laptops screen from a flat angle to see the rings…

The output is barely dimmer, there is no hotspot so it is not as bright there, but the light spread much more evenly throughout the beam.

I have not test throw because I do not have a place I can do that (not without annoying the neighbours). I can only say that it easily lights up to 30m, range is likely 50m.

Which optics did you use on the supfire?

Wow, that lenses make the flashlights have an expensive look :smiley:

I used these optics

I went with the 60 degree beam, but you can choose whichever angle you like.