Sipik(?) 1-AA zoom for $6.77

I thought that question has been answered several times already...

The ones I received have no writing. Hope that helps!

I received my 3-mode Sipik clone today from eletrading and it actually is 3 modes, high-low-strobe. I made a new thread here since I wanted to post a few pics and didn't want to bloat this thread.

I bought a few of these torches from 365Digital on eBay to give as gifts this past Christmas. Of course I had to keep one for myself and I love it. I've been using alkalines in it so far, but I want to go ahead and order some 14500's. These lights work well with the 14500's, right? I think I read somewhere that some folks were having trouble with the extra voltage burning up the driver in one version of this light.

Since VFMaddict's recommendation I have bought several of these lights from that seller So far they all work on 14500 without issues. Astonishing brightness.

How low is the "low mode" on this 3 mode Sipik clone?

just a side note...these are being sold at bizzars (swap meet type markets) in Afghanistan. That means the market it truly flooded with them right now. $10 USD for one with a nice gift box without haggling. Nice little flashlights for the money.

@ Paranid: a new thread here This is Dimlux's review which answers lots of similar Q's.