Sipik SK68 Clone - 3-mode. First impressions. (Picture heavy)

Thanks Dimlux. Looks like this one's from ntxmas then.

received my 'brandless' 3-mode sipik sk68 clone from eledtrading today and boy am i happy! I already have a 1-mode from 365 digital but this one beats it on every possible point:

- better tint (no purple, but still bit blueish, but i don't mind)

- double brightness

- much better focus and maximum focus size about 80% of the 1-mode (downside might be the smaller flood, but still more than enough): throws much further

- overall build quality is so much better: cleaner, sturdier,... i changed the clicky with my 1-mode one because it's a bit softer and i like it to be hard :p.

- low mode obviously

Nice result

If I could be sure of getting the exact same ones as you I'd order five right now. Glad you got a good one. In fact, it sounds like the best yet..

I think it is: only 'minor' things are:

- tint = not natural (as some said they received) but whore cares for a 7$ light

- it can not tailstand with the 3-mode tail cap (i used 1-mode cap)

this light is just WTFOMFG, can't say much more than that...

friends of me ordered from eletrading before the light costed 58$, i ordered when it got back to normal price and they got ultrafire one which is 3-mode but same specs as my 1-mode

Well, I am a newbie, and I got one of this babies. She only has 1 mode. Threw in an elcheapo AAA rechargable from HK, and this baby is flying.. :) From what I been reading, if I throw in a 14500, it will get even better.. Oh boy.. I paid $7.58 with free shipping...


Funny, I was looking for some 3-mode Sipiks on ebay and there are none (or price raised to $52).

I just found out the same thing, very weird.

Does anyone know a version which includes some kind of retail box? Doesn't have to be three mode.

It's available again from eletrading and others for a decent price. 300 lumens again. May be they're testing to see which one gets more customers? :-P

If you're having trouble finding can try this search (*%2Cfocus*%29+%28q5%2C+q4%2C+q3%2C+cree%29+%28aa%2C1xaa%2C+1aa%29+%28low*%2C+strob*%2C+mid*%2C+medium%2C+3mode*%2C+3-mode*%2C+3+mode*%2C+three-mode*%2C+three+mode*%2C+threemode*%2C+2mode*%2C+2-mode*%2C2+mode*%2C+two-mode*%2C+two+mode*%2C+twomode*%2C+4mode*%2C+4-mode*%2C+4+mode*%2C+5mode*%2C+5-mode*%2C+5+mode*%29&_sacat=0&LH_LocatedIn=0&_sop=15&LH_Price=..14.41%40c&_dmd=1&_odkw=%28zoom*%2Cfocus*%29+%28q5%2C+q4%2C+q3%2C+cree%29+%28aa%2C1xaa%2C+1aa%29+%28low*%2C+strob*%2C+mid*%2C+medium%2C+3mode*%2C+3-mode*%2C+3+mode*%2C+three-mode*%2C+three+mode*%2C+threemode*%2C+2mode*%2C+2-mode*%2C2+mode*%2C+4mode*%2C+4-mode*%2C+4+mode*%2C+5mode*%2C+5-mode*%2C+5+mode*%29&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313&LH_TitleDesc=1).

In case link doesn't work, it's a search on eBay for

(zoom*,focus*) (q5, q4, q3, cree) (aa,1xaa, 1aa) (low*, strob*, mid*, medium, 3mode*, 3-mode*, 3 mode*, three-mode*, three mode*, threemode*, 2mode*, 2-mode*,2 mode*, two-mode*, two mode*, twomode*, 4mode*, 4-mode*, 4 mode*, 5mode*, 5-mode*, 5 mode*)

in title and description

location: any country/region

(sort by price+shipping is generally best and 200 results)

Seems to work okay without a lot of junk although I'm not saying it's the best possible term, some of those search terms don't seem to be necessary but I added them for completeness/just in case (in particular I'm not sure if adding Cree does anything but find more junk) but it may still miss stuff from stupid sellers.

Edit: Forgot to mention may be cheaper although I have no experience with this seller (there are a bunch of sellers as the same price, I'm pretty sure it's the same seller).

Edit2: Actually just realised this is likely just the 'UK' Eletrading etc price, looks a lot like it's all the same seller.

I was reading reviewers that reported lower mode pulling a draw of .34A and .21A for the UF branded one.

Has anyone tested the lower mode run time? I'm guessing here on an an eneloop it's somewhere around 6 to 10 hours on low? I suppose unless it's digitally regulated, I'm guessing it won't have a constant draw at full output for that time, so it could be longer?

Also, how would you all describe the speed of the strobe? Is is like 'disco' at 10 times a second or more like a beacon at one per second?

^ The stobe of my UF branded one is definetely fast...

Firelight2 wrote here that he had bought on Ebay for 1.99 + shipping, a 3 mode clone in which "the strobe isn't very fast... more of a signal strobe."

Has anyone else ended up with one like that? And where did you get it from?

I'd like to get the slow beacon or signal strobe version. I think it would likely run in this mode for a very long time and could be useful for many reasons, like in an emergency to mark the side of the road where the car is stopped.

The 3-mode clone I purchased from eletrading for $1.99 plus shipping is strobing around 3 to 4 times a second. This to me is more of a medium speed strobe and not exactly a slow beacon.

There seems little consistency with any of these 3 mode clones. I have three of them, and they're all different, even though two of them are both Ultrafire branded (see earlier posts in this thread). Strobe speed differs slightly as well, although all could fairly be described as medium speed rather than very fast or unusually slow.

However.. One of them stopped working today. I'd just swapped an AA battery for a 14500 for the first time with this particular torch. It ran with typical li-ion brightness for a few seconds, then went out. There was no flash, no burning smell, just nothing at all. This was the unbranded one, that has no markings or logo of any kind whatsoever. So now I have only two that work..

There's one 3-mode at an ok price -- aside from that they're all $8 and up, I think they're on to us :-)

Also here:
And here:
Not surprising, as it's believed these three sellers are the same company. See post #20->



I saw the flashlights from your link to use as an extension before. I ordered 3 of them recently and when they showed up they would not unscrew to use as extension. The design has changed and they will no longer work to use as an extension for the Sipik SK68 clone. I contacted the seller and suggested they change the photos on the listing that show that this light can be disassembled.

Sorry to hear that, that's Chinese lottery all right :)

I also ordered THIS and THIS a month ago and they work great (as 2xAA or 3xAA config).

I noticed the sellers linked are doing the expensive thing again. Using my quick search example, I can't find anyone currently selling the 3 mode for under US$8.99 (which is a US seller) unless I missed it. I presume the eletrading goes out of stock and raises the price rather then removing the listing. Since they're all the same they all disappear at the same time. But I can't remember if there's normally anyone else selling for under $8.99 e.g. TomTop.

I wish TomTop sold 3 mode one, others simply dont deliver to my place.

Item location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Postage to: N. and S. America, Europe, Australia
Whereabouts are you? Their other company, Member ID eletrading used to be the other way, i.e. they'd ship to most countries in ntxmas's exclusion list but not to UK or most of Europe. Hpwever, when I emailed eletrading to ask why they didn't ship to UK, they replied that I could order no problem. I suspect that the same applies to ntxmas and other Ebay sellers. Half the barmy conditions you find on that site are set by Ebay themselves for reasons unknown, often as not the sellers take little notice.
But if you look at the price, it seems they're out of stock again anyway. £51?? Yeah, right..