Oh, and I forgot, I got a 5% code from Tmart in one of their shipments:
it’s suppose to be good until 8/31/2013, and I don’t think it’s user specific, but probably can only be used once.
EDIT 2: See the discussion in the thread, but it appears that the “SUMMER” code is not valid in July, but rather August. However, there is another code:
that appears to be good in July (2013), but this is Tmart, so YMMV :)…
I have one (not from this deal, but from awhile ago… I think from Meritline), but I don’t use it much, and even then, it’s usually just for a short while, so I haven’t any problems with overheating. Have you seen something about that (overheating)?
When you are ready to checkout, even though you plan to use Paypal, click the “Secure Checkout” button instead. Then on the bottom of the page you get to there’s “If you have a coupon code that applies to your order, please enter it here: ”. Enter the coupon code there, then click “APPLY” button.
If you’re using Paypal, make sure the Paypal radio button below that is checked, and then finish the checkout.
ohaya, no worries on the dupe. It needed a discussion thread and I was too lazee to make one
Tivo, No coupon required! Price is right there on the page when it loads. Hmm, I can’t select HK warehouse anymore. Price was lower from there.
Sorry. That code not working is VERY weird! It’s on a full-color printed flyer that was in my last shipment (day before yesterday), and it says it’s good for one time per person, and expires on Aug 31, 2013. Again, my apologies. I have no explanation.
Edit: BTW, where you logged into a Tmart.com account when you tried the code? Just wondering.
I have another code from earlier this month, that expires 7/31/2013, according to that earlier flyer.
I’m wondering if their codes are monthly? Maybe that “SUMMER” code only starts working on 8/1/2013?
I am on chat with Tmart support now, to TRY to get an explanation.
Edit: They are being somewhat obtuse/vague on the chat. I think they’ve confirmed that the SUMMER code STARTS on 8/1/2013 (YMMV), but it’s not 100% clear. I’m trying to confirm whether the UBEBACK code is valid now through 7/31/2013.
Edit 2: Ended the chat. They said that customer service could not (did not have ability) to confirm whether the UBEBACK code was good now and through 7/31/2013. Sorry, but I tried :(…