Hi all. The first is to apologize for my bad English. But with saint google translator and yours patience I will not have trouble understanding me, I think.
While I have read your forum a while-now also mine, this is my first speech. I must admit that I was very happy to see how many people have the same fondness for flashlights that me.
Ok, I’m going to business: After reading the excellent reviews that have Skyray King owners of this forum, I decided to buy one. But now I see there is a new black color version with a slightly different LED (CREE XM-L T6 T6 3C 3C NW NW) and I have serious doubts as to which to choose.
On one hand the SRK Gold is well tested and has provided good views of their owners. On the other hand the Black SRK is more modern version (not always better) and has a LED a little better although I have read some unfavorable reviews for some problems in some units dee this model.
Could you advise me on what would be best option in your opinion?
Aesthetically Actually I like the Gold but is not essential for me. What matters is the quality and reliability.
I guess the problems I read that SRK had some black units were isolated. There was someone who reported problems with the switch and noise inside the flashlight head to shake. I think that I will buy it in CNQG and I guess if he selling it is because the black model it has no problems. Although I hope more opinions.
I have a black king and my brother has a gold king. Both are excellent lights. The black U2 XML light does have a slight lead in lumens. But once warmed up, the T6 version does just as well. I guess the heatsinking isnt good enough to keep those extra lumens up higher. I say go with whichever color you like and be happy - both are awesome lights and generally perform about the same.
From what I understand those were isolated problems. A large amounts of lights do have a whine though. My personal recommendation is not to order from Lightmalls though.
En Espanol.
Por lo que entiendo se trata de problemas aislados. Una gran cantidad de luces tienen un gemido sin embargo. Mi recomendación personal es no pedir de Lightmalls embargo.
En realidad, sólo tiene que utilizar el traductor de google y luego corregir para asegurarse de que tiene sentido.
Nope. Both were tested at startup and at 30seconds with my lightbox. No guessing involved.
And I have actually have very good luck with Lightmalls. Have bought many lights from them - no issus and very fast service. I got my gold king from them.