Skyray Kung M4 ( 4 XM-L emitters !

Might as well wait for the 5-LED, Sky Ray King Kung? :bigsmile:

Ah, I hope they dont make a 5 emitter version, with the way 4 heats up the light in 9 mins to hand torture and 13 mins to hand burning without producing much more light, a 5 emitter SRK would have cooking as its primary function, not light. I’d wait for TexasPyro’s driver and get a 3 emitter SRK instead! Sounds like his driver will cause the King to have a lot more output than the Kung and be so much more usable with all the functions he’s including! (unless of course his driver can also work with a 4 emitter version too)

Not for anything, Ric usually makes a sales pitch for something he usually finds interesting. Surprisingly he has not with this light, and it’s even about $20 cheaper than his 3-led, ‘real’ King? Any thoughts?

You would need to add a slave board for the 4th LED. These are most easily made from a single mode 8x7135 driver.

At 3 x 3 amps, a gold SRK heats up rather fast. Starting at 24 degrees C, you get about 3 minutes of full output before the thermal management starts backing down the light. It’s goal is to make sure the light does not exceed 60 degrees C. After 20 minutes or so the temperature stabilizes and the light output is down to 900 lumens or so. The SRK body can really only handle around 10 watts continuously. After another 2 hours the battery protection kicks in and it starts dropping the light level again. After 4-8 hours it shuts down.

A black SRK should be able to radiate maybe 25-30% more heat.

Nice. But why do you say a black SRK radiates more heat? Is its composition different? I’d probably be wanting to run it at 60-70% or so for about an hr, I dont think thermal management would kick in for that type of level use?

His driver will put out about the same amount of light as a Kung unless you add more 7135's. It's all the other stuff his driver will do that makes it so desirable.

He mentioned something about running a piggy back nanjg105 off his driver to drive the 4th LED on the Kung.

Black/matte/tecttured finished surfaces have a much higher emissivity than lighter colored/shiny objects. The emissivity of a surface determines how well it radiates heat. A guy (on CPF) did a test with emitters/stars mounted on aluminum cylinders. The black painted one ran around 60C and the bare aluminum ran around 90C.

Only if you wear shades too. Or paint them over you flashlight’s “eyes”.

Nice to know about the heat measurements, really didnt know there was that much difference, that is huge. Too bad I’ve already got a gold King and Kung…

OK, I’ll bite….what are the differences?

That one looks more like a SRK body and head, but with 4 emitters and a slightly unequal 4 LED reflector. Kung has different “styling” for the head and body and tailcap juts out a tiny bit, but it can still tailstand.

That one from CNQG looks good, I prefer the original king body style and it seems to use the higher quality host with genuine SS bezel. It also comes with either XM-L2 or neutral gen1 XM-L instead of just CW gen1. Most importantly imo the pictures show the three toroidal driver, suggesting a proper buck circuit.

That said, the first pictures seem to simply be re-used from the king listing, and the picture of the head seems to show CW gen1 XM-Ls from the colour of the phosphor…

I guess I’m missing that part….I know it looks like the original SRK that CNQG’s sells, but the post implied something was different if you didn’t look carefully…….Well obviously it has 4 XML-L2 emitters as stated right on his webpage that is the whole point of it, beyond that I can’t see any differences visually between this SRK x4 vs SRK x3 both from CNQG’s.

I just took another look at the pics on his site and on here, and I still don’t see the three toroidal drivers which for this model IF it had them should be four of them.

Well maybe you prefer it, I was just answering the game/question of what is different about that listing. Its a copy of the “Kung”, using the old SRK body/head/bezel/tailcap, and not the “Kung”. Maybe its preferable and better? Who knows, good luck if you are going for it!

I do think that the original king body will have a bit better heat dissipation that the kung version due to the extra fins, so in that sense it could be better. It also looks like the ‘original’ king version from the first two pictures with the good switch and genuine stainless bezel. Unfortunately they do just seem to have been copied directly from the king listing so I’m not sure they can be entirely trusted as an exact representation of what you will get.

I’m still really tempted though at $49 with the option for neutral white, whether it’s the higher quality body or not.

I contacted Ric with a few questions about the Kung, he has replied:

’The quality of this kung is close to our Sky ray king black. HAII anodized, good switch, genuine SS bezel

They just arrived in stock yestoday. I will check the driver on Monday.’

Also, having followed up with a question about whether the title and last picture (CW XM-L gen1) or listing options (XM-L2 and T6 NW) were correct the listing has been amended to remove those two options. So I think it is just the same gen1 XM-L as the other versions.

By the time we figure that out, it will be completely different a week later.

And you cant know consistency, the dealers have inconsistent quality as it is already. Dale got a good Kung, I got a bad Kung from the same dealer… My “bad” Kung had a driver falling out that doesnt seat properly, chipped paint on the switch, a ding or two and uneven springs and doesnt seem to have an impressive output as Dale’s.

(I think) thats a different seller. Its cheaper than it was going for (around $40) and after hearing about the significant improvement in heat radiation from black models I’d only get a black one now. Its got the Kung body/head. But its all a gamble, looks better than mine. *edit: also the lumen output magically went up another 300 lumens :wink:

Notice how they show the battery compartment with 3 crapfire and one other 18650?

Mine is taking forever to get here. Wasn’t expecting BroHuang to ship withou tracking either. I am disappoint. Others got theirs in two weeks or less. Starting to think it is lost in transit… :expressionless:

Anodizing does increase emissivity, but not anywhere near as much as being black/not shiny/not smooth. Here’s a test of the effects of black paint: