Skyrc MC3000 charger improvement, your thoughts or ideas ?

Guys, what is your ideas about flaws of this charger that needs to be improved in next firmware or newer model ?

After using this product for a while I think it’s better if they add these features to the charger:

1.Auto cycling between info on the main screen. For example, changing between voltage and temperature every 2 seconds, showing remaining time during rest mode, or they can add another mode with smaller text for more info.
2. Step charging like Skyrc NC2500 pro, charging first 33% at 1C rate then drop to 0.5C for next 33% and charging last 33% by the rate of 0.25C ( this will help to reduce overheat of old batteries with high resistance during charge)
3.Polishing pc software UI and adding ability to edit programs that are saved on device (I know mobile app has program with names)
4.Ability to add name to the programs, device can use scrolling text for those names that larger than 10 characters.
5.Ability to charge 1.5V li-ion batteries I think it needs 5V ( I know these batteries are not official, but when GYRFALCON S8000 can do it, why not MC3000)
6.Delayed start, sometimes during rest period of a charge cycle, I want to change charge/discharge current and I need to stop program, then I can set a program to start after a specific resting time.
7.Information history of the latest charges like Capacity/Internal Resistance/Graph/Slot number… (I don’t think if it’s possible or not, because they used STM32F103RBT6 as a chip and with that 128KB flash memory seems impossible; so next time adding a 16MB flash chip would be awesome)
8.Heating during discharge, they need to move those fans to the back side, I don’t think that PCB board let fans properly cool down the heat sink.
9.Bluetooth glitch I think everyone encountered, sometimes it connects sometime it doesn’t, again definitely a software issue needs to be fixed.
10.springs issue, maybe they can use metal instead of plastic holders.

At the end I want to tell Skyrc guys everyone can clone and make good hardware these days, but the more important thing when two rivals are close is the software and UI, so it’s better they work on it or at least make it open source so other people can help to improve the device.

I agree with everything you mentioned. But I don’t see it happening. The charger is over 10 years old now. I think that most of the things that you mention are hardware limited. It would require a full redesign with new hardware to get most of those things.

We can dream though…

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I agree with all your points too.

I would add ability to charge protected 21700 cells - if they are going to bring out new hardware.

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