As per above. In my continuing usage and tests, I’ve seen two types of strange behavior:
Sometimes internal resistance (IR) gets measured (and can be seen on the charger display and the Android app), and sometimes not (ie, it shows as “N/A”) ; this led me to start manually commanding an IR measurement every time right after inserting the batteries and before starting whatever operation (charge, discharge,refresh, etc)I was about to do with them, by pressing both arrow keys simultaneously on the panel. Which right now lead me to #2 below.
Even after manually commanding an IR measurement and having it displayed for all 3 batteries in the charger, right now it happened that, after starting the operation I was interested for (in this case, a discharge of all 3 batteries down to 2.5V in order to measure their remaining capacity), 2 of these batteries (in slots #2 and #3) changed their IR measurement to “N/A” (the remaining battery, the one in slot #1, kept showing its initial IR measurement).
All batteries are 18650 Li-Ions, the one in slot #1 was a Wurkkos 3000mAh that came with my FC13, and the other two (in slots #2 and #3) are LG MJ1s bought from Illumn, and all 3 have been performing perfectly so far (so I don’t think the reason for that behavior is due to any issues with any of them).
One thing that could explain what I’ve seen is that I first started the discharge on the MJ1 batteries (on slots #2 and #3) and only about 3 mins afterwards (as it has different parameters) I did the same on battery #1. Perhaps when I statrted the discharge on #1, it messed up the IR measurement for the other two?
Anyway that behavior makes no sense and seems like a bug. Would like to know if anyone else here ever saw anything similar.