I mainly charge Ni-MH AA and AAA and started looking for a new analyzing charger. It would be nice to have support for Lithium-Ion and AAAA size Ni-MH, but they are not required.
I am considering the Vapcell S4 Plus, and the SkyRC NC2200. I was gravitating toward the NC2200 based on SkyRC’s reputation around the MC3000. However, I started to see some videos (not in English, which makes it tough for me to fully understand) that show Ni-MH batteries going up to 1.65V during charge:
Is this an issue? Anyone have any thoughts on this charger? Or should I be getting the Vapcell S4 Plus instead?
I’m wary because of my experience with the XTAR VC4SL which also was supposed to do it all, but was actually pretty terrible with NiMH. (Sometimes detected them as Li-ion, 50% of the time terminated charging after only 25% to 50% full).
The Vapcell is a very good charger IMHO, only with very critical or old cells it have problems, but these cells also have problems in other chargers.
Maybe the Opus BT-C3100 is also an option but the cooling fan is a bit noisy.
I have a bunch of chargers and the VC4SL is the worst for NiMH I have. Only my Accupower IQ338XL annoys me also because of the reliability, but before the bays begun to fail it was an usable charger.
OK I’m convinced that the Vapcell S4 plus is a good choice. I looked at the Aliexpress store, but the shipping to Canada is almost $40 (same as the charger itself!).
Good selection of charging/discharging currents in 100mA-steps
Good processing
Skyrc-typical: All parameters/status change after some seconds
Status-LEDs for working/finished
Many features: Charge, Turbo-Charge, Discharge, Refresh, Analyze, Break-In
o Termination works better than with the NC1500
- Cells getting IMHO to hot for a Non-super-compact-charger (suspect because the termination is not so bad like NC1500)
- IR measurement seems to be dubious
- Dubious voltage measurements, especially after insert a cell
- NiMH-only for this price
Discharge-function is not made to test the stability of the cell because the current gets decreased at weaker cells.
With some cells it goes down to ~20mA. This means a AAA with 800mAh capacity and a discharge current of 500mA could take
2h and 45m till it´s discharged
Overall it´s not that bad but the Vapcell S4+ works overall better, can also charge LiIon and is cheaper (at least in my area)