Yes, I am sure paying twice for shipping will eat in to the discount…but it is still better than buying it without the discount and still having to pay the shipping twice.
Because SF are a tactical company they won’t ship outside the USA or accept an order from outside the USA. So even without the discount I’d still have to get someone in the USA to buy it and ship to me.
There are UK dealers,and the price is way way more. Best I have seen so far is £252 from this seller or this So that £252 is near enough $395 USD
If someone wold buy me the one from SureFire, with the 40% discount, that would be $183 USD, so even adding two lots of postage. How much would internal postage be $20 USD? Maybe $40 for export to me here in Jersey, so add another $60 USD, hell add on another $100 for the two lots of postage. so *$283 USD…round it up to$300*….that is £192 British pound Sterling, so still a £60 saving.
Nothing else on Amazon UK, and sellers won’t sell to UK because of the sales restrictions.
Just see how UK prices are more than US by a good margin
R1 Lawman from UK seller is £479 UK pounds, which equates to USDollar price of $752 …the SF MSRP is $455 USD.
So you see, even with triple shipping, and without the discount, I am cheaper buying from the USA, even without the discount.
I am not going in to all the reasons why I want this one, I don’t particularly know, but I am just trying many now. I am determined to find one that I am happy with. This has been going on for 10 years or more, and still not found one. so trying loads and seeing. I have multiple threads recently on here and at CPF. I just want to try one out.
I am also building my own , converting stuff, turning a host on the lathe , have parts on order…drivers and LED’s etc .
If I could find some one to make me a Custom dual output zoom with the spec I wanted then that is an option again, but unlikely ufo happen so that is why I am building my own too.
I had browsed the the oshpark threads, but no, not going down that route of designing and etching my own PCB, I used to make PCB’s years ago…not getting involved in that again.
There does not seem to be a single light that fits all my requirements exactly, it is just that this one seems the closest.
I just can’t believe that of all the people on here I am the only one that wants a SureFire lamp…maybe I am ? are they really that bloody useless? is that the problem ? are they just terrible lights?