I'm looking for a good AAA Cree etc flashlight in the range of 60-70mm length. I have a TK-703 on the way to me, as well as an E06 (2X AAA). I've read good reviews on the TK-703 here and the E06 just seems like the same thing with an extension tube, so I hope to be happy with both.
However, I'm also looking for a smaller AAA light that is bright, with a non-premium price. Does one exist? I'd be using it with AAA alkalines or NiMh, but compatibility with 10440 is a plus because I have those as well (planning to use with the TK-703).
The iTP A3 is great and about as small as you can get, but also a twisty. You already have the A1, right? They are coming out with XP-G R5 A3's in the next week or so. That's going to be a really popular light and will put off a ton of floody light (especially on 10440's which I'm assuming will work on the new version).
Yeah, the A3 is appealing. I don't mind twisty, its necessary to get the smallest possible light. So the A3 will be $20.50 with some shipping cost, and it'll have an XP-G R5. I can keep looking for something cheaper though, in the $10-15 range.
I like my A1, but it really could use some more aggressive grooving/knurling.
Brinyte PD03A Q5 maybe? Brighter than the Maratac/ITP/703 (even on Eneloops), 10440 compatible (0.8-4.2V) and multi-mode (5 high-mid-low-strobe-sos) . I haven't tested 10440 myself. Available at KD for $14.99 and at DX for $16.92 .
I have both the tk-703 and the E06. The 703 is of course shorter, and its much brighter than my E06. Not sure why. The E06's switch also had some issues when I first got it but it seems fine now. Its a nice breast-pocket light for at work. I keep the 703 on my keyring and its held up to beatings for the past year. Its now having contact issues, but for the price, its been a great little light. I may try the new A3 with XPG when it comes out though.
Doubt it does even half of those lumens. 1W suspiciously sounds like many 1W flashlights on market commonly associated with hard blueish tint and low overall output. At that price point it would be safe to assume it has a generic 1W emitter. Could be wrong tho.
They say that light is pure garbage .. comments on the internet are spewing hatred over the terrible color it emits ...
There are too many other things to play with other than trash ..
About the AAA.. I think 80~100 lumens is all you're gonna get out of a AAA.. the 10440 is only gonna get hot " real hot " and last a whopping 12 minutes. I think the answer is to simply ask your eyes to do what god made them do in the first place ...adjust a little ..and move your light 1 foot closer to what you wanna see .. i don't think you can ask much more from that size battery .Maybe go cr123 or 16340 and double the output to 160L and keep some reasonable runtime .
I like the Eo6 since there are very few 2 AAA lights made .. it fills a nice spot between preon < 40$and richalong 7002 ?<<3$
can't really go wrong with this one. If it had a clip it would be perfect. my ld01 clip fits on it and my ld01 head is on a microstream body so i dont need it.
Welcome alexf404 to BLF! Yup, you recommended a decent one. I'd get one too, but I also have the LD01 and it's hard to beat. I've been thinking recently about that microstream body mod though....