Smallest Diameter/Shortest Length PROTECTED 18650

I bought a Convoy S6, but I’m a bit uncomfortable using unprotected cells.

I’ve searched and searched and searched a little more, but the variances between wrappers, vendors, and brands of protected cells still have me a bit nervous when it comes to dimensions.

For example, I’ve read the Panasonic NCR18650A can be had in both protected and unprotected formats, and that the protected version is still very small or at least standard sized in flat-top variants.

Making this search more difficult is China’s new regulations on sending batteries overseas. I don’t want to wait a month for batteries from Fasttech or Alibaba.

Suggestions for domestically sourced standard or small 18650 cells with protection?

Look at HKJs "Length of Battery" & below that chart is Diameter. Not sure, but I think most protected ones are around 67.5mm+ in length.

then do a Google search on that particular cell. For protected cells the AWs look short... Let me google that for you

Look for the vapping/smoking sites... these are mostly domestic dealers.

HKJ’s guide is good, but hard to use. He should have separated protected and unprotected cells.

I found some yetzl 2400mah cells in England to be very short and narrow, I could test them in a convoy s4 for fit if you wished.

there’s also this option

which would save you having cells specific to one light, I’ve been carrying my tir equipped xiozhi since I built it and the beam is extremely pleasing with not noticable loss in output or beam artifacts or throw, just a nice wall of light well suited to an edc and the option of using any of my cells, protected or unprotected.

I believe the s6 is the same host as the xiozhi so this should work fine for you.

I have some Tenergy 2600mAh protected cells that seem to be shorter than my other protected cells and are good quality. I will measure them tonight and get back to you.

I think the trustfire flames will fit. They are about the same length as unprotected cells I have used them in a xiozhi. If you can find real ones they are pretty good.

How much space is there in the s6?

I have a s8 and protected cells fit?

The Convoys all use Nanjg drivers right? the 3040mA I stuck in my X9 looks exactly like a Nanjg and when the battery gets to 3.15v it goes to low and flashes.

I received a Roche F8 for my birthday and an Acer pack-pull Samsung just fits snugly. I was surprised when the Trustfire blues that came with the X9 fit…except for length.

Length is easier to determine than diameter, and I think that’s the limitation with the S6.

Flat top cells tend to solve the length issue, and aren’t difficult to find, but any flat top cells I’ve found are also 18.6mm or so.

Have you looked into the 17650's?

A 17650 would work really well, especially an oversized version. Does anyone make a 2500mah 17650 that’s maybe 17.8mm in diameter?

Solarforce 18650P 2400mAh looks like it will work as well if I can find them stateside.

Lighthound (LH)

The flat top Panasonic NCR18650B that I purchased from Cobb Carpet fit perfectly. I believe these actually have some protection if not a PCB.