Sneak Preview: XinTD X3 (XM-L2 | 3xAA / 1x26650 / 1x18650)

I tried the 7D3 in my SkyEye F13 and it’s very yellow. Might have to get a few of those 6A1 … odd, you cannot get that tint bare or on Noctigon from I-O. :frowning:

I like this FL very much. The handle design is a beauty!

im still very happy with my purchase. it is a beautiful light and feels very good in the hand

Do you guys feel the similarities with the A8? The thin bezel, the fins, even the color? I like the A8, and this X3 even more.

Same here. Mine works flawlessly. I'm 100% happy with it.

what tint and modes did you get glenn?

edit: i got the warm 4 mode. this is by far my warmest tint. need some time to get used to it and use it a little more.

Mine is the cool white with 3 modes. The tint looks really nice.. Almost neutral to my eyes

not sure if i like the warm white. but like i said, need to use it some more and get used to it.

has any one checked how level their battery tubes tail end is? mine is HORRIBLE!!!!! if i had made this tube, i would have been ashamed and tossed it horrible...

Mine looks fine. Take a picture of yours

i dont have a good camera, so pic is not that good. looks like the first cut threads cut clean threw

edit: first, thats a bad electrical connection. second, i would be ashamed of that piece if i made it.

WOW! Yours looks like it was cut with a hacksaw. Bummer! Send this picture to Hank

Here's mine. Looks fairly normal

Pulsar, that is a strange cut on the end of the tube. I have never seen that on any light, and I have some real budget examples here.

I’ve been meaning to ask, does it look like you can change mode groups by resoldering different stars? Is there solder on the star for your mode group? Anyone tried it yet?
If it is a standard QLite, then you should be able to, but I wasn’t sure on this pre-built light.

yeah they do... sucks because i am a stickler for good machining and that just killed it. and i hate having to mail things back and wait that much longer

yeah, i have not seen it this bad before. and i have had some cheap chinsey lights... im not sure, from above it looks like its attached to a contact board. i have not stripped mine down yet because i was really satisfied and was holding off to see if i could get used to this tint

edit: man, that just killed my new flashlight buzz...

and bam. 5 mins later hank offers to send me a new tube. could you ask for better service???

wow man, that's fantastic!

yeah i was worried i would need to send the whole light back. i really want to use this light as much as possible to try to get used to the hi cri ww tint

Great news Nick, I figured Hank would take care of it quickly. Mailing a new tube is the best option too. Now you have a backup tube. :wink:

yeah, i may or may not try to file it down. im afraid that if i file it it will be too short to make contact with the tail cap