So anyway -Eagletac

If you look at my posts I recently got a uvBeast and compared to my Eagletac DX30 with 365nm side UV.
Up to now my go-to flood flashlight has been my Eagletac Mc3x4.
Simply put, are there flashlights with two vertically stored cells., and a humungous finned head?

I don’t understand how the information you’ve given relates to the question you’re asking but Sofirn do a couple of 2 cell lights:

as do Convoy:

Thank you for pointing out that I should not post when angry.

Your first suggestion is 6500k and not UV.
Your second suggestion comes with throw patterns and so not UV.

I did order a couple of (Ultra Violet-365nm)) Convoys. I just didn’t want to repeat myself ans so said about earlier posts.

Perhaps I should just go away.
I just thought that when I said UV - that everyone would know I meant Ultra Violet.

I had begun the discussion in the wrong place because my first concern was cells for such flashlights.