I have 6 Eneloops, 4 AA from 2nd gen and 2 AAA from 1st gen. All bought in June 2011.
I never used AAA's much so cant say how good have they performed and whether they have lost their capacity considerably or not.
But its different story with my AA's - Ive used them only in my digicam, once the camera says that the batteries are empty, that means that after couple of shots the camera will shut down and will not power up again, this has always been good enough indicator that fresh set of Eneloops should be put in.
Ive always discharged my Eneloops in my camera that way, sometimes even up to the point that the camera will not power up anymore.
Dont know how many charge cycles have they gone through, I also dont know what their initial capacity was when they were brand new.
Month or two ago I tested them with C9000 and all of them showed capacities somewhere in the middle between 1700 and 1800mAh's, none of them were near rated 1900mAh, no surprise there given that I expected them to be 1900mAh when brand new at best.
However, few days ago I put them in C9000 and started break-in mode(its recommended in case batteries cant be refreshed to desired levels with refresh mode with C9000) to try to revive them.
Frankly it doesnt look like it did much to them, now they are all around 1800'ish mAh's, havent re-tested them again, but so far it seems that first two break-in charges at 0.1C for 16h has given no substantial benefits.
Should I attempt to try one or two more break-in cycles with these or simply accept that they have been abused too much during 1.5 years in my digicam?
My selected capacities were 2000mAh during first 16h charge and 2100mAh during second 16h charge, somehow I expected that if during first charge it "expands" them into 2000mAh territory then with 2nd charge I could get them closer to what other users have reported and get some 2000+mAh's in/out of them :D!